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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. forgot to undo the fluid resivoir when pushed the piston back in. Have done this loads of times before on other cars and not had this problem! When i bled the brakes the stuff coming out was horrible green colour. I didnt put that much new fluid in so do you think a complete new fluid change would solve problem?or at least help?Peddle takes over a minute to reach the floor.
  2. Hi guys need some advice please!just done service on my 1.9 diesel galaxy. Everything went ok except for one thing! I had to fit new front pads. The piston didnt have to be compressed that much so didnt undo the nipple. Bled the brakes after fitting pads but when stopping the peddle keeps travelling but does so very slowly. The peddle is nice and firm when ignition is off but am worried something has gone wrong!Could it be the master cylinder? Or do the pads just need bedding in?Thanks for any advice you give
  3. brilliant,will be doing it this weekend so hopefully everything will go to plan.
  4. Hi guys,just bought myself a diesel galaxy,w reg. Im going to do a service on it this weekend and ive not done much work on a diesel before so need some help please. After changing the fuel filter do you need to prime the fuel pump?if so where is this and how do i do it?thanks for any advice
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