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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

pauls ghia

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Everything posted by pauls ghia

  1. Try this: FAQ 36 http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=8810&st=0&p=68423entry68423 Paul.
  2. Maybe try here, http://www.vwspares.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=54 Delivered next day for me Paul.
  3. Try a small thin bladed flat screwdriver, preferably blunt - you will soon understand why! Once the switch is removed you can see where the plastic pins of the rocker mount to the surround. Just prise apart from the top. Catch all the bits...
  4. If you mean that the rocker part is still there, I managed to take mine apart and superglue the window symbol back in to it. It was lying inside the switch. Paul
  5. Hi I was wondering if the front passenger footwell carpet was wet? Maybe the smell is screenwash from the rear windscreen washer pipe, which has come apart in the floor. This smell could be circulated by the heater fans. You can sometimes hear it squirting under the carpet!
  6. Hi, Check FAQ 56. I got a replacement from eurocarparts, must be the same colour as yours I think! Paul
  7. Here is a good place to start: http://www.ross-tech.com/vcds-lite/download/index.html The software link is at the bottom of the page. Paul.
  8. Trevor, I totally agree with what Niallsan said. Almost the same happened to us in France too, year before last, (this is when you find out how good your breakdown assistance is - or not, and that all the French garage owners are en vacance!) If there is any play in the joints just get a complete shaft, they are only about £70 http://www.eurocarparts.com/driveshaft Paul.
  9. Hi Andy, Here is a good (easy) place to start http://www.etis.ford.com/vehicleRegSelector.do Paul
  10. Re Judder; I wonder if it could be a failing CV joint? When my nearside inboard cv joint gave up (110k miles) the vibration through the car was quite epic. It also split the gaiter and was obvious. When the offside inboard failed it was more subtle but still gave a nasty vibration at certain loads/revs. When i replaced the offside shaft at my mates garage he commented that it still felt ok, but the replacement cured the problem. Paul.
  11. I got mine from VWSpares: http://www.vwspares.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=54 Delivered really quickly (next day) and fine so far! Paul.
  12. Shepheap,I used these brushes from ebay - search for item number: 110603767470 They are a bit big all round, so I shortened them with a junior hacksaw and rubbed them on a coarse file to size and then shaped the ends. Try to keep them square! They are also very brittle! I also drilled two small holes in front of the brush holders and pushed pins through to retain them in place. Test the pump before refitting, just a quick buzz. You may want to use jubilee clips instead of the originals. I also removed the expansion bottle and changed the fuel filter, engine temp sender (vag-com flagged as faulty) and pollen filter at the same time. Plenty of room when already stripped out. Paul
  13. I had a similar loss of drive fault on my Galaxy due to stripped splines. The part that is bolted into the gearbox failed on mine, the splines were totally rounded off. It all needs to be changed, ie gearbox insert and shaft. It's a simple but costly repair! Use the forum search box to find this post by Mirez: Reworked Gearbox Stub And Half Shaft Assemblies Paul.
  14. I had a similar problem on my Galaxy - uneven idling and higher than normal rpm after starting up. Cured it accidentally by changing the water temperature sensor. It had been flagged up as faulty by VAG-COM. Maybe worth a look. Check FAQ 56. Paul.
  15. Hi,I have just bought this one for my 2001 Galaxy and it works fine using the new software downloaded from Ross-Tech. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USB-409-1-KKL-VAG-COM-OBD-2-II-VW-AUDI-SKODA-SEAT-Cable-/190483230402 UK based seller. Dont forget to change the latency to 2 as described on the Ross-Tech site. Second to last paragraph, part 1.5 FAQ part 1 - Called 'see this screenshot' http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/faq_1.html Paul.
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