You should not post multiple threads about the same problem, this is confusing and you wont get good advice by spreading the symptoms thinly between multiple threads. What do you mean by starting problems? If the car wont turn over, its not relay 30 as this is the fuel pump relay. sorry to be so vauge! problem is, is put key in ignition,turn on, all dash lights come on, sometimes starts straight away, sometimes takes 5 to 10 secs to start, sometimes nothing at all.... when it does start, put foot on brake pedal and won't allways shift out of park or nuetral. Have done wiggle test on wiring around brake switch and inhibitor, but because its intermittent i don't know if these are at fault, have picked up a new nrake switch today to eliminate that, have been reading through the forum about starting problems and the next logical step was to look at relay 30. The question still stand, does anyone know the location and part no for a MK1 as the owners manual does not show relay 30/27... many thanks