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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 1.9 Tdi
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  1. The fault is with the motor that controls the flap that switches between outside and recirculated air. Can't remember which flap this is on the unit but two of them ( items 3 & 4 in the pic below) are visible when you remove the glove box. Check these and see if they move when the recirc. switch is turned on/off. Thanks for that. I shall have an explore session tomorow and see if i can get behind the glovebox. Might just check the fuse first though..lol.... would hate to tear the car appart and find its the obvious stuff. Cheers
  2. Im a bit far away i imagine but i was in your shoes week or two back. Turns out a
  3. Having just replaced the glow plug in the auxilliary heater i had my first go with the Vag-com and was able to clear all the codes except the one above. The aircon system started doing the flashing thing on startup at the same time as i had the smoking aux heater so i assumed the two were connected. Howeverr i am not so sure now. The aircon works fine i think. Certainly blows cold enough although the heating does take a while to get going. Anyone got any ideas as to what i should be looking at or where? Cheers Neil
  4. Yey!! Vag-com has arrived and i have the new glow plug. Feel like a kid with a new toy. Unfortunately wont be able to play until next week though... Hope the weather holds out.
  5. I believe its your auxilliary heater . You will probably find it about halfway along the nearside of the vehicle underneath and has a small exhaust and pipes running to and from. These take coolant from the engine and heat it using a small amount of diesel ignited by a glow plug. Lucky you , yours is working..lol... Im trying to sort mine out. There is lots of info on this site covering this. Enjoy.
  6. I recently bought a generic VAG-COM lead (
  7. Hi, Im new to this site and have only had my Galaxy a couple of months. Using this forum i have "self diagnosed" a problem with the auxilliary heater and following details in earlier threads i have ordered a new glow plug and intend having a go myself. however i understand that the heater wll not fire up until the error codes have been cleared and that needs a Vag-com or similar. is there anyone in the oxfordshire area or not too far afield who would be able to help me out in return for a bottle of wine or a few beers? Any other advice on what im about to embark on would be most welcome. many thanks
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