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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. sorry for the late entry .... ive worked on a few of these now and one in particular the hydrolic buckets had worn out is it chuffing or knocking if it is then remove the rocker cover and you will see the buckets if this is whats gone the a fully recon head will cost you from
  2. so you have had a run in with mr cl*ch they charged 1 of my customers for a duel mass flywheel the didnt exsit on a citreon. this i know because i called citreon to check. low and behold it never exsited for 1996 zantia petrol and that BECAUSE duel mass flywheels never can out until 2001 but back to your problem duel mass are filled with GEL and they basicly work to smooth out the running of your engine normaly when duel mass is at fault you need to replace the starter motor/duel mass flywheel/concentric slave and clutch but basicly there is no way to diagnos duel mass apart from changing it??? hope this was of some help. the boss
  3. so he failed it on top mounts ive done a few of these and they can be a sod of a job the best ive done 1 in is an hour and that was with a gas torch to heat the nuts up with so this doe's sound about right.
  4. doe's it sound like the engine is about to smash its self up?quote name='andrewl6527' date='Mar 17 2009, 11:05:20' post='139454'] hi guys your help is appreciated i have a 02 plate galaxy, on Saturday i lost power only getting 40 mph then after i reached my destination the car sounded as if the front pipe had gone or id just swapped the car for a Subaru! i limped back 2 miles to town and switched the engine off it was a bit noisy but i regained power back to 80 on the motorway.. since then it sounds noisy from the airbox like a put put put noise but i have power. it has been on a vag-com machine and no faults found please can any one help me thanks andrew
  5. its a crank shaft postion sensor code
  6. i would say top mounts most likely or worst a broke front spring?
  7. idle control valve ???? unplug it and test drive if doe@s do it you know its that if??? it it dont check breather hose's for splits and holes??? very commone on fiestas and mondeos con
  8. ive had problems with mr clutch charging my customers for a dual mass flywhell the dont exsist on and car before then the speedo didnt work then it lost 3rd gear and there is still problems is it petrol or diesel what other work did they do?
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