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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy 1.9tdi GLX 90
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  1. Been plugged in to the volkswagen Diagnostics machine and only fault comes up is the imobilizer fault is that the Key transponder or the PUMP imobilizer but pump has been checked for power so i trying to rule it out any help or thoughts appreciated
  2. All basics done all compression done i have read a post about RELAY number 30 does any one know the location of it and can confirm that it is an imobilizer relay ?
  3. :) Ouch!!! Really? :) I don't believe you...... ;) Starting with brake cleaner is a surefire way to knacker your engine in record time...... White smoke could be a timing problem, possibly the infamous bottom crankshaft loose timing sproket problem. Yes was checked by my technician at the garage and yess 500 was reading for all cylinders !! was only given a tiny bit of cleaner to start (to get it firing) Timing for injector pum was done by a mechanic with 15yrs under his belt also bottom crank sensor was replaced when it was fully timed up Also NON return valves fitted inline of fuel to make sure and eliminate air in fuel etc
  4. Fuel filter changed and Air filter too these were the first concerns
  5. Hi folks, im hoping somebody can help me i own a galaxy Tdi (90bhp) 1997 im looking for pointers in to why it wont run First off needed set of heater plugs as it was getting hard to start those have been replaced secondly after fitting heater plugs it wouldnt start but was chuffing lots of smoke whilst trying to fire so was advised it was fuel problem and more likely to be the INJECTOR pump so had that replaced and timed up and still didnt go so next was new Injectore (set of 4) and fitted and bled etc and still dont go but will go with sniff of brake cleaner in the air intake will start and run (very lumpy ) but smokes Heavy for a little while but if you switch the ignition off it WONT start again unless you give it more bake cleaner !! any body out there in the know or had thias problem and what i can do to cure it # OH we did a compression test on it this morning on all 4 cylinders and the reading for each was 500 bar !!! im guessing at electrical probs now eg immobilizer we have power probed the injector pump at the stop selonoid and all seams right there please some body help the wife loves the car we have had it for 6 years of trouble free motoring and wont give up on her she only got 80,000 miles on her and its a "S" reg
  6. That problem with the wiper arms comming out of the ball joint (under bonnet) i rectified mine by drilling out the ball joint and replacing it with a bolt (not to long so it doesnt pretude and catch anything) and a nyloc (nut), i also placed betwwen it a Neoprene washer and grease to help it and yes 3 years later it still does the same perfect job Hope this helps
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