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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by sassygirl

  1. After getting the MAF fixed yesterday went out today and my cars started jumping in 2nd gear. Its only in that gear, the others are fine, and its intermittent. any thoughts on this? Bit of info on car Galaxy 1.9TDI Ghia, 129,000 on clock, new clutch 2006 (not sure if that might be rellevant)
  2. quick update: Ive changed the MAF and the air filter then took her for a spin. Managed to go up hill (very steep one) in 4th gear doing 45mph and no cut out of power. well pleased. Thanks for the help ppl.
  3. What do you mean NO??????????? too late for what???
  4. thanks hun :0) (p.s ive got 4 kiddies too)
  5. OK, Now im very very confused (not hard) Just taken her for a raz, and did what someone described as an italian service. Every gear, top of the rev range, sh@t myself mind LOL Managed to get her up to 75mph no problem, slowed to go round the bend and though "whats the betting ive got no power" I was wrong, put her in third and she flew!! So now im presuming its not the MAF but something sticking somewhere as its obviously an intermittent problem. have made a new thread.
  6. OK, further to my other thread about losing power, i have just sat here for the last 1 hr and 20 mins researching through this forum. I see it seems to be a very common fault. So I saw about this Power boost foam, my question is, where do i put it? And piccies would be very very helpful as i dont understand all the car technical jargon. The reason im thinking of using this stuff is i notcied alot of ppl mention that it could be some vane thingy getting stuck (sorry technical jargon again) Well this has happened before, and it was freed up. My turbo then blew the following week. So Its had a new turbo (which is now 11months old) so i kinda presumed this vane thingy is inside the new turbo???? But maybe it isnt and thats why its still sticking???? Help and piccies would be fab, ill even flutter my eyelashes PMSL! Im just desperate to have a car i can get home in properly as i live at the top of a hill!!
  7. Thanks GIO. New MAF delivered today, so will get it fitted tomorrow, also got new air filter as not sure it has been changed in the last 3 years or so. I have noticed ive got a wire broken under the bonnet too, not sure what its for, but gonna sort it tomorrow aswel. If none of this works ill go down the garage and play merry hell till they give a me a print out of the codes, and see where we go from there :0) Thanks for your help. Im loving this car business. Been out and valeted her today and washed her. Just got to wax her tomorrow, then start on the rust patches! scary stuff
  8. problem with passenger door now fixed. it was 2 bolts which had come out. rear heated window fuse seems to be ok from what i can tell, but will get someone to check that for me now ive worked out how to get it out lol. Thanks for that info George, thats good news :0) Off down to Allwoods later so will get them to check fuse for me and see what products i can get for the rust. Thanks for the help, loving this site, although not suer my bank account will by the time ive finished LOL Got my eye on a nice set of alloys ;0)
  9. thanks srafferty, will check those bits out later. 3 and 4 not related afaik. back passenger window currently held up with wood lol as motor packed in. front passenger door just doesnt stay open. I think a screw may have popped out somewhere, just not sure where or for that matter where i put thye blummin thing. paint, not too bothered about new look, just dont want it getting any worse. Will have google and see how to do a diy job
  10. Well, seeing as im here now, thought i'd ask about a few other little niggly probs ive got with my Gal. Nothing too serious but they annoy me, so maybe someone may be able to help. Please :0) Firstly: On the dash, my rear brake light warning lights stay on until i use my brakes. Nothing wrong with brakes, all checked. second: Rear heated screen not working. Havent changed fuse as no idea how to open fuse box or which fuse it is lol (i dont know much bout cars, but im wanting to learn) Third: The passenger side door does not stay open. Fourth: where can i get a motor for the back passenger side electric window fairly cheap :0) Fifth: AIR CON GRRRR The who unit is melted apparently, has been since we bought it. (didnt check it when we got it, i know i know silly billy ) sixth: Rust patches round the wheel arches and bottoms of doors, Can i do that myself easily??? I think thats it lol Like i say little niggly bits. If anyone can help and advise im all ears and willing to learn :0) p.s one more: my wheels are badly scratched, can i just respray them or does it need to be done at a specialist?
  11. LOL, not sure they'll fall for the fluttering eyelashes, but i can but try. Didnt get a print out or anything from the diagnostics. Im in Lincoln if that helps? Ill try the MAF when it arrives and keep my fingers crossed that it is that, if not then ill have to see what other routes to go down. This cars cost me more than it would do to buy a new one LOL!
  12. sorry should have said not sure what the codes were, didnt write them down. Cant really afford for it to go back on the diagnostics again as its
  13. ok think ive just answered my own question. Im guessing its the MAF. Which i have just ordered for
  14. Hi, Im new to this forum so please be gentle with me LOL i own a 2000 reg Galaxy 1.9TDI Im having a problem with her losing power, it only happens when the revs get above 2000rpm or she reaches 60mph which ever comes first. Shes had a new turbo on at a lovely cost of
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