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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by boko

  1. can anyone help please car wont start have spark and fuel but when you turn the key it turns over but wont fire . the rev counter dont not move atall need help as going on hols next week
  2. can anyone tell me if a 1999 2.8 has a fuel shut off switch and were it is please.
  3. help anyone out there can tell me what no the fuel pump relay is and where . car wont start have spark ,and there is a fuel cut off swich any where (as ive been told its under the front pass seat but cant find it
  4. will have a look in the morning .it is in that area but dont help not having manual out for the 2.8 ver.thanks for your help
  5. on the way home today car started to to make a whistle and then a knocking sound .had a look and it is comming from the auxillary belt area the belt is comming off any help to what it could be would be helpfull
  6. i have a small leak on the rear heater unit . is it poss to change the matrix without having the air/con discharged. this is on a 2.8 with twin air /con
  7. i have a small leak on the rear heater unit . is it poss to change the matrix without having the air/con discharged. this is on a 2.8 with twin air /con
  8. i have a small leak on the rear heater unit . is it poss to change the matrix without having the air/con discharged. this is on a 2.8 with twin air /con
  9. my 1999 2.8 is the same but if i go for a long run it then goes up alot, the trip comp just dont like short runs
  10. can anyone tell me what number fuse is for the o2 heater on the 1999 2.8 please
  11. try galaxys-r-us-123 on ebay i know he has two 2.8 and a 2,3 in at the mo
  12. thanks to all that replyed. now all sorted ,down to faulty o2 sensor
  13. thanks for that luxtonm
  14. ok thanks ill get back to you if needed(im in lincolnshire
  15. was geting 22/24 around town but in the last week it had droped to 15/17 mph
  16. thanks for the fast answer, coil has been changed , the o2 sensor is only 6 weeks old but the rattle is coming from the inside ,have now fitted the old ome back on and there is a small inprovment but i have not reset the ems yet.
  17. my 1999 2.8 gal has started to use a lot ot petrol in the last week and also there is some soot and i think water coming out of the exhaust when it is started . looked at the o2 sensor and there is a rattel inside is this right
  18. this is the best site on the web, has helped me out a lot and saved me a load of cash so all i can say bye
  19. can anyone tell me if is studs fixed to the down pipe that the cat join to or are they bolts
  20. thank you but i dont think the car would go that far,but thanks for the offer
  21. as anyone in the spalding area of lincoinshire got a working vag com that they could plug in to my 1999 2.8 as i have a lack of power and a juder when under load have changed maf , leads , air filter but still the same .having been made redundent and im running out of cash so any help please
  22. im trying to get a plug lead remover for the 2.8 v6 and having no luck .so if anyone in the pe11 area has one i could borrow it would be a great help
  23. is the fuel filter eseay to check as im new to this and having been made redundant so have to save the pennys
  24. is the fuel filter eseay to check as im to to this
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