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    Galaxy 1.9td
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  1. Just for information, one of the tracks in the pcb had corroded so there was a break in it. Managed to scrape it back to good sections and solder a small piece of copper wire in to bridge the gap. Works fine now. Extremely fidely but worth a try if you have a similar problem.
  2. Hi I have disvconnected the battery and on reconnecting need to put the code in for the radio. I have the correct code but button 1 won't work, the other buttons work fine but I can't enter the first digit of the code. I've taken the front off the radio and cleaned the area of the circuit board (think it had coffee spilt in it) but that switch still won't work. Any suggestions gratefully received. Galaxy tdi ghia 2002. Thanks Paul
  3. Thanks very much chrispb. Red wire coroded through about 1" from plug on heater side. All working now, thanks again. ps. anyone know where the controller for the central locking is as I can't get a response from that?
  4. Hi all Don't know if anyone can help with this one? 2002 Galaxy Ghia 1.9 tdi. Aux heater started intermitently smoking before Christmas then last week I noticed that it wasn't working at all. Fitted new glow plug yesterday (as I have before). Tried to clear the fault codes but cannot get Vag com to work. I am getting a no response from controller message when I try to get into control module 18 Aux heater. Vag com is getting codes from other controllers. Any ideas greatfully received. Paul
  5. Hi Another probably stupid suggestion but the front wheel arch liners come unclipped at the botton behind the wheel on my galaxy (when you go quickly through a big puddle) and then rub on the wheel on full lock. Worth a quick look. Good luck
  6. Thanks for repies. Downloaded free version of vcds-lite from ross-tech and it works fine on windows7 home premium as suggested by alan_131. Thanks very much.
  7. Hi All Have had VAG COM running on XP laptop for several years, but computer has broken. Have tried to get it running on Vista and Windows 7 machines without success. On the Vista machine it loads ok and appears to work when plugged into the car but crashes as soon as you select a scan or module. On the Windows 7 machine it won't open at all. Any suggestions greatfully received. If I need a newer version, is it possible to just get hold of the disc as the cable is fine. Thanks
  8. Hi all, Have just renewed a broken air con pipe on a 2002, 1.9tdi Galaxy Ghia (the pipe that goes down the front of the engine and then turns to go into the compressor). Have had it charged and it's holding the gas OK. However, no cold air. The compressor is turning all the time and the only way to get the clutch to disengage is by turning the climate control to ECON mode. The compressor even turns when the temp inside the car is set to Hi. When the engine is first started the pipe to the condensor gets a bit warm and the other pipe gets a bit cold, but no cold air. Any suggestions gratefully received. No VAG Com fault codes and the display doesn't flash when you put the ignition on. The only thig I can think is that the filter drier is blocked (but I can't remember where it is?). Does anyone's air con work for more than 3 months at a time or is it just me? I've spent a small fortune on it over the years. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi all I have a 2002 tdi with interior light problems. The 10amp fuse has blown a couple of times. I am guessing it's a broken wire in one of the door looms (as I also have a central locking failure in the rear o/s door). Does anyone know what wire colours I should be looking at for the interior lighs and central locking (this will save me a bit of time). Any other advice always gratefully received. Thanks Paul
  10. Hi all, Have had intermitent A/C problems for most of the time I've had the vehicle (Galaxy 1.9tdi ghia with climate control 2002). Have replaced fractured pipe, compressor and condersor over the past two or three years. I have fault 00792-A/C Pressure switch (F129) 35-00-- on VAG COM. I suspect that the switch is faulty as the system has dye in it and I can't find a leak. Where is the switch located and can it be tested/replaced without re-gassing. Also I have had trouble finding a reliable A/C specialist, I am in Bude in Cornwall. Can anyone recommend someone. Thanks
  11. Have had several problems over the years with the aux heater on a Mk 2 Tdi and have read all the FAQ and other posts. However, I have not heard mention of a problem that I had with mine, that is quite easy to fix. The glow plug has a small tube of metal (I assume stainless steel) gauze around it this presumably causes the diesel to flow round the glow plug and burn evenly. If the gauze is blocked up with gunk or has had a hole burnt in it the heater will not burn properly and you will get loads of white smoke. The gauze can be levered out after the glow plug is removed or better still you can strip the heater apart and clean out the combustion chamber. If you do strip it down then you will idealy want a new gasket and gauze (called a screen kit). I got mine from Espar Ltd in Plymouth on 01752 491900. Item No. 252121990113 - Screen Kit Item No. 201820990001 - Gasket set. Be careful to make sure you check exactly what you are getting and that it will fit your heater as this company could not supply the correct glow plug for my DW5z heater. Great forum which has been invaluable to me. I hope this might help someone.
  12. Hi all Has anyone experience of using VAGCOM lead and software CD from ebay sellers. I have an 02 Galaxy 1.9Tdi and am always having problems with it, so I would like to be able to find and delete fault codes myself. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. Hi All I,ve seen people referring to the TIS CD. Can anyone tell me how much these cost and where I can get one. Could anyone also tell me whether it has details of the cam belt tensioning procedure with details of exactly where the 4mm drill goes. Thanks Paul
  14. Hi All I have just changed the cambelt on my 2002 Galaxy 1.9 tdi. I followed the instructions as posted in the FAQ area. No ploblems until the part about inseting a 4mm drill bit into the tensioer. Could someone explain exactly where the drill is supossed to go. I used a pair of 90 degree circlip pliers to turn the tensioner cam anti clockwise until the belt was the same tension as the original. Also the car has a hydraulic damper which pushes on the cambelt temsioner. I didn't touch this. is this correct? Can anyone shed a little light please. Thanks Paul
  15. Hi all I have just changed the belt on my 2002 Galaxy tdi with hydraulic damper. I followed the various instructions right up to the re-tensioning bit. Can someone explain exactly where the 4mm drill bit is supossed to go. I could not see anywhere on the tensioner that this could be iinserted. I used a pair of 90 degree circlip pliers to turn the cam anti clockwise untill the belt tension was the same as the old one. Can anyone please let me know what the correct procedure is. Also I didn't touch the hydraulic damper - is this correct. Thanks paul
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