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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Nigel-in-oxford

  1. My kids call it the "jet engine", Its the engine heater thing under the nearside rear door. If it makes that noise its working. and the other noise: .... 46mpg average over the Easter family visits 350 miles... weeeeeeeeee
  2. I picked the car up on Saturday, discovered the porky Monday, belt replaced Tuesday at 63K miles. The mechanic reckoned it was the original belt as the tensioner was worn-out. Me thinks a phone call is in order. I also heard that he services a Seat used as a taxi every 3 months (same spec as my Galaxy), and the cam belt every year, it's done 350K on the same engine (1.9 diesel 115hp), gearbox and still going strong. I hope mine does as well.
  3. Just bought a 05 galaxy, the dealer told me the belt was changed at 40K. Smelling a rat I phoned the ford main dealer that was supposed to have done the work, who said that it had never been changed by them! I would have bought the car even with the need to change the belt, and paid the dealer for doing it. Why do they insist on telling porkies? Still my local man is fitting the new belt as I type for
  4. If your speedo is like mine 56= about 50 on the GPS so you may be ok. I got stopped for doing 32 in a 30 zone got off with a warning, but my speedo said 38! :rolleyes:
  5. Sorry to bump this old post, but I came across these code generators saves paying for the codes. NOT ALLOWED!
  6. The lcd in mine seems screwed, most of the display does not com on and I get part figures. Can the LCD be taken out and repositioned? Thanks
  7. Just got an 05 Galaxy 1.9tdi I am getting a little blue smoke when I start the engine, but this goes once the engine warms up. Its got 60K on the clock and runs perfectly. Any ideas?
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