I Have similar problems exaxctly as you describe on 53 plate tdi 115 galaxy have you noticed that the problem could be agravated by weather or wet damp road conditions? Mine seems to work perfectly in dry weather also when left overnight pedal "normalises " but then plays up as soon as it gets damp or sticky have also noticed that on long runs on motorway were pedal has not been depressed for some considerable time pedal resistance disappears altogether and difficult to pump back whereas in heavy traffic holding pedal beyond free travel point seems to maintain pressure. aqm new on this forum but am impressed by the everyday attitude to problems in lay mens terms and a pro blem sharedcertainly reduces the paranoia.my experience of large mileage driving is that even the very best vhicles by reputation can throw up the strangest of anomallies eventually though it does seem that this clutch thingy has become quite inherent thanks again for letting me participate.