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Everything posted by anton

  1. hi chrome no m8 they seem fine ...no arc ing......NEXT!! anton
  2. will check tonight of tomorrow night nice one...ty
  3. hi there..im going on holiday shortly..and want to have a diagnostic on my 2ltr petrol gal....shes a bit sluggish feel like shes serching for petrol...ive looked on forum and changed... petrol filter. ht leads spk plugs aif filter.. and as sornwall is a long way and il be towing....any one have any ideas.....been sugested may need remapping...any ideas where i can go that wont cost a fortune for test and work would be great.. cheers anton
  4. cheers m8ty il pass it on..
  5. hello all...im looking at buying a galaxy 2.8 v6 petrol..and have a couple of questions...any help and advice would be greatly appriciated.... 1st...is it cam belt..or cam chain..? 2nd..what sort of service is involved at 100/100thou miles? 3rd..and known problems faults... many thanks for your time and help... anton
  6. hi guys ..here i go again..... on the galaxy aspen 2ltr 97...the previous owner put in an aftermarket brake light...but it was disconnected due to it blowing bulbs...sooo im thinking it was wired in wrong...so does any one know or has done this..and can give me the wire colours to use....or il prob just check the wires with my mmeter......any advice would be good many thanks anton
  7. hi m8.... when i checked my switches i popped them out with a round ended kitchen knife...and pulled the wire conector off ..trying not to let the wire fall back in to the car lol...and put the switches into a multimeter...on the fuze setting...beep.... when nipples were out it beeped....when pressed in it didnt....showing switch was ok..by having a open /closed circuit....... anton
  8. hi there..im no expert but i had a bit of trouble with my door/switches and interior light last week...i had a quick read of your posts and replies and will add my 2ps worth..just a thought..... where your door switches contact with your doors...is there any sighn that they are touching the doors...like a 'scuff' mark...it maybe that.....i added some black felt (bout 3mm) to the doors and mine are working great now...the felt is the type u have on chair feet if u have wooden floors that u dont want scratched..or for a temp fix cellotape some toilet tissue to the doors just to see if its that...but u have to do all doors...hope this helps in some way.. anton
  9. ahhhh sorted!! simply.i checked the drivers rear switch...ok.... passenger rear was broken...the 'nipple' had snapped off hence doer was shut but as the 5mm nipple was missing it didnt press the switch in hence it foolded the car into thinking the door was open..and light stayed on... remedy....found a 5mm rubber grommet put into hole..shut door locked and it worked...opend door engaged key ..light went off....job done.... cheers guys for your suggestions...anton
  10. hi again gregers....hi kev.. well bulb is ok it just stays on even when locked..so i presume fuse is good also..... BUT....sounds stupid...i didnt realise the car had 4 of the switches on...and also....the rear 2 dont have a 'rubber cusion' mounted on the door..so even tho the door is closed it may not be pushing the rear 2 pin switches in far enuff to kill the lights....sooo tomorrows job is...check open/closed circuit on rear 2 switches and add a mill or 2 of rubber to push point on door.....il update this thread when ive checked it out.....many thanks for your replys.. cheers anton... easyer to illiminate the process rather then use the process of elimination??? lol
  11. hi gregers yep..decided that i had an hour spare..so pulled the door to car gator off and there she was...black n yellow wire broken...and a few others cracked exposing wire...re solderd and re insulated all visable wires and the wondow is great now...many thanks for your reply tho....cheers anton
  12. hi there second of 2 posts...ford galaxy aspen 2ltr.... the interior light that works via the door...doesnt work...i set it to middle position (door) shut door and locked..but it never switched itself off....i looked at the door switches and these seem to be working..(put them up to a multimeter and checked switch had open/closed circuits) ...soo any ideas any one....could this be linked to my other problem with the driver window?????....cheers in advance anton
  13. hi there hesre my problem... ford galaxy aspen 2ltr....the switch on the dirvers door that controls passenger and drivers windows only works the passenger one....the window motor itself works as when i turn the key in door to make both windows onen..they both go down and up....so motor can be ruled out.....the switch...well i turned the switch upside down to see if that opend the driver window..and not the passenger..but it still only worked the passenger window..sooo the switch can be ruled out...now heres my problem...im now stuck...was thinking it could be a break in the wire that runs from the door to the car..at the hindge?...worth checking out...or any better ideas.....cheers for help in advance...anton
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