Hi Not sure if its the Mk3 as I havent got the full V5 yet I presume it is. I had a Mk1 which clocked up 140,000 then had a breakdown with the drive shaft, the key had worn, Fords do a part exchange piece, and a new piece, both were fitted. Then the part exchange piecec failed within a month, so I had a new one from the VW Sharan. VW only do NEW drive shaft bits, it didn't cost me anything second time round as the garage I use osrted it out under warranty. The two MK2 Ghias I have an 03 & 05 haven't had any probelms (touchwood) tho one is at 116000 the other one is at 89000, they are great workhorses. This new one 2007 Ghia TDCi I am yet to test on a long run....feels pretty good tho..