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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. yeah get underneath and they just clip in
  2. hi mate i had i similar problem with mine. at the rear i checked all of the connections to the sensors - i.e removed them and cleaned them etc - also if you follow the wires back you will find a big block connector this had fell off its mounting point and was just hanging - cleaned and refitted this to. the fronts i removed the lower front grill and cleaned and checked the 2 sensors on there - i couldn't figure out how to get the ones in the front bumper out easily and i didn't have very long to start removing wheel arch covers to get them out so i didn't bother. when i checked they where all working again and have been okay since - i think the big connector block on the back that had fell off was getting water into it. you can check in sensor to see if they work by turning the ignition on but not starting the car and putting it into reverse so the parking sensors are activated and then go round each sensor and you should here a clicking sound from each sensor if you get one that isn't clickling then its that one that is knackered - you can check it by swopping it with one that is clicking to see if its the sensor or the wiring to it.
  3. hi did you ever find these any cheaper.i have a bad knock and squeek from my rear suspension and i have been told that these are the problem. looking at the bushes they are knackered on both sides. the part is 175 pounds each from ford and i cannot find them listed anywhere else. i have also been quoted a full days labour to fit them. Whats really annoying me is that when the car first developed this knock i took it back to garage where i bought it from (2nd hand) and they told me that it wasn't covered under the extended warranty that i had been sold as it was considered a wear part?? i have read the warranty at it does state that wear parts like exhausts are covered as i would expect but surely a major part of the rear suspension like this cant be classed as a wear part? but it also states something about waer and tear and gradual reduction in performance due to age and mileage - the car had only covered 44,000 miles and was approx 4 yrs old when i purchased it. I am not a happy bunny.
  4. Hi all i am looking for a parking sensor for my 2002 plate mk2 ford galaxy. Anyone got one for sale please let my know. Thanks Smokie.
  5. mine did that changed the glow plug and it stopped
  6. you got this sorted mate?
  7. Search my friend all will be answered
  8. And as we sail passed you as you fill up your lush sounding 2.8 vr6 with your Nike trainers and baseball cap on backwards, glug glug glug how lush does it sound now lol, we will be sure to smile politely raise our leather clad driving gloved hand and return your guesture right back at you.
  9. Took the covers off the inside of the A pillars while it was raining yesterday and all seemed dry?! The windscreen seems to be well sealed. can it leak in at the bottom of the screen?
  10. Yeah made sure the windscreen was covered when i bought the Galaxy. i had heard heated screens where very expensive. its got a chip in it any so might have a trip to the local windscreen shop. Thanks
  11. Hi all, i am probably covering old ground here but i just wanted to get a second opinion. i have read the posts on wet floors / water in the footwell etc and i have come to the conclusion that i must have a leak on my windscreen. I have a 52 plate galaxy 115tdi. At night it is generally parked facing down the way on my drive quite a steep slope. When it has been raining and i reverse the car off the drive in the morning and swing round onto the road i can here water running behind the dashboard this then leaks out into either the drivers / passengers footwell depending on which way i have turned. sometimes the water can actually splashs back up onto the dashboard at the very front where the bashboard meets the screen if you know what i mean (near the windscreen demisting vents). I have checked all the drain holes etc had the scuttle panel out , checked the pollen filter housing all fine. i have checked all of these after heavy rainfall and there is no build up of water everything in that area seems to be doing its job. i have checked the washer pipe and thats okay and the underside of the carpet is dry, as is the area under the passenger seat. It has to been a leak on the windscreen right? (i dont have sunroofs on my car so it isn't them either)
  12. When i replaced my glow plug i got it from ford and they only had one heater plug listed. i removed the old one it looked different and the wiring was different and i rang ford back up and was told it was the only one they do? i managed to get it to fit by altering the wiring and its worked great since.
  13. check this out, you wont believe this?? http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18019506
  14. i got some touch up paint for my galaxy from fords parts dept it was only
  15. Gotta agree with most of the other points i have only ever swiveled my seats around once and it was hardwork espicially the drivers seat the armrest kept catching on stuff and i nearly put my back out in the process lol won't be doing it again in a hurry
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