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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by toneinblack

  1. Hi all, Drove home from work in the rain at 1am this morning and it was pouring down ( noticed 2 days ago wet floor on front passenger side but not sure if connected ) parked the gal and locked it by remote on the key fob - all windows were up and car locked , red light was flashing on top of drivers door , G et woken up this morning about half eight by neighbour telling me i had left a window on gal open , look over at gal and all 4 windows were down and gal was unlocked !! went and done the windows up but gal wont lock with either the key fob or thru the key . Any ideas? and thanks for help :-)
  2. can you do anything with superglue to this black bit of plastic? also have a look on ebay :P
  3. my gals dash lights are always on ( with headlights off or on )
  4. Dont want to say this about ps2 power supply but told you so :P hehehehehe
  5. just thinking about an add on unit that i fitted to a previous car of mine , the cd changer had 3 leads , a red cable , a white one , and a black coax type cable with like a 7 din pin ( ? ) so the red and white for the sound and the black for the power,
  6. that wire hanging , wouldnt be an earthing wire would it? any small holes nearby where you could screw it to earth and see if it makes a difference ?
  7. also maplins sell them .
  8. also the new smaller ps2 has a flip top for loading ( not a tray ) so needs more space to be able to open the top - under a chair wont be any good but it uses less power so might be better in a car, still need an inverter tho .
  9. Have your kids been messing about with the switches and turned them off from coming on with the doors open?
  10. someone on ebay is breaking a diesel gal , might be worth a look
  11. thanks for the replies, I didnt realize the back cloth lifted off so wil try that in the morning , The idea with the blu tack and 4 by 2 is ok but im crap at wood work, :lol: And i did think about leaving it off if the plug from the outer hole of the arm rest would have pushed into the hole in the side of the chair .
  12. Oh bugger, Just went out to the gal to fix the arm rest and the nut has fallen from behind a plate ( with the hole in it ) and is sitting in cloth at base of plate and arm rest is now under the chair, The nut wasnt welded to the chair and i now have to work out how to get another nut in place and get it to hold there so i can tighten up the torque nut thru the arm rest and into the nut before the nut falls off. any ideas?
  13. Thanks iain , I will have a look at it in the morning now as its quite dark out atm. tony
  14. Here you go mate :o http://www.fordmondeo.org/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php a ford modeo forum. tony
  15. Hi all, Does anybody know how to release and take off the drivers side arm rest of the chair as mine has dropped and is just hanging, I have popped the plug off and is it now just brute force to pull it off or is there a knack? Any help/ideas would be thankfully received. tony
  16. Hi, I might be wrong but if you play copied dvd's and they play in black and white , its because it is an ntsc ( american ) region rather then a european copied disc.Copied american playstation games give the same effect and need a pal/ntsc patch added just before you burn the disc . If your burning your own copied dvd, then look in settings to convert from ntsc to pal. Have a look on the site link below for loads of advice on converting and also look in their forums to se if the dvd players can be unlocked http://www.videohelp.com/ Im sure if im wrong then somebody on here can add a reply :lol: good luck. tony.
  17. Hi all. just found this site in daily mirror and thought id post a link here . http://www.technotrading-uk.com/index.asp?Check=True
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