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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by toneinblack

  1. Does anybody know if you can run a playstation on one screen and still watch a dvd on the other with the centurion ?
  2. i have no idea lol , had the car just over 6 months, so it probably is due a service. cheers all.
  3. Hi all, Put my phone on dashboard the other day and pressed the trip meter button when picking the phone up, Now instead of trip meter just saying miles , it is saying service miles and before starting the gal up it says oil, so i checked the oil and it is ok so any ideas how to reset it please? thanks in advance all <_<
  4. already been posted by someone here mate but a lot cheaper http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=5147
  5. Hi mate, Hd this problem a while back ( fob not working the remote locks ) look at bogglers reply to me on this thread . http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=5037 i tried it this way and it didnt work , so tried it again and the red door light stayed on and it took the code , but like boggler says , it does take timing lol good luck
  6. If it isnt that, Then you will need to go outside the car and undo the bolts holding the plastic front wheel arch liners up and remove the wheel arch liners, then look for the plactic square drains that are pressed into the side and remove them ( do the one on passenger side first ) once removed , clear all old leaves and crap then pour water on windscreen and make sure it flows freely out of drains, this cured my wet passenger floor and wasnt hard to do .
  7. sorry just got back from pub <_< yes the database works great ;) and remember to set it to warn u with sounds from 100yards or so before ( so u slow down lol ) also i am using an ipaq with tomtom on and i didnt have to use checkpoint to get the voice warning to work.
  8. Ive just picked up a tomtom and must say im really impressed with it :( But like matt it will take some getting used to, When putting the speed camera poi on it, i managed to add one to my home address and couldnt work out how to remove it , but have now , Best few quid ive spent :( speed camera poi site - link below http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/uksafetycameras.php and it dont just work on tomtoms .
  9. Finally managed to sort it :( thanks boggler.
  10. thanks matt :( will try it that way round.
  11. Just found how to do key , On the remote there are 2 buttons, is the top one lock or unlock? ( i dont know how many times ive used them and still cant remember lol . many thanks all.
  12. Hi all, just had my neighbour ( used to work for fords :( ) try to get my tailgate to open using the remote, he pressed the buttons on the fob for couple of seconds and now my remote locking and unlocking wont work on doors or boot , And he had to go out . Ive used the search - unavailable , and looked through forums but cant find anything to sort it out . Any ideas? ps - i have a red key as well . thanks for help and realized this has probably been covered so many times, tone. .
  13. @ spark, What are the screens mate and where did you get them from and how much? lol cheers mate.
  14. excuse my ignorance but what is vag com ?
  15. time to dig out the handbook , thanks vr6 :)
  16. thanks ivor :) any idea how to deactivate it? :) lol
  17. :o Hi all :o Just noticed that when i want to open the boot ( rear door ) that i used to be able to use the keyfob to unlock and pull the handle up to open , but now i have to unlock it with the key in the tailgate, the rest of the doors are fine , any ideas? ps i can hear the locking mechanism working in the tailgate , thanks all
  18. as if i would :lol: lol just had another look and cant see why the water wont go to either side, dont seem to be any obstruction but the water just sits in the middle lol
  19. Hi all, I let my parents borrow the gal the other day for weekend , so i jet washed it and handed it over only for a phone call the following day saying the windows havew opened :( anyway they got them shut and it was ok since but when i got it back and looked in the engine bay , the water was gathering in the middle of the run offs under the winscreen , i thought the drain off's were on the left and right of this area? So is there and drainage holes in the centre or are they oly at the end? sorry as this have been covered so many times before but used search and couldnt find it lol - yep scuttles, drains,water lol many thanks tone.
  20. Its a p reg older model and the red light flashes on top of the drivers door and it does lock and unlock the doors. maybe its just the way it is ? thanks anyway :)
  21. Hi all, My gal locks ok when i use the key fob but it doesnt flash the indicator lights or make a beep where as most of the other gals ive seen have done. I s there a setting? thanks all. tone.
  22. cover is off , circuit board felt damp , hopefully not too much damage has been done . fingers crossed lol
  23. ive just read thru an almost identical post on here re this problem lol , will now try to get the cover of the box , rain has been coming down solid for hours , :(
  24. Just got the black box out , it was in a pool of water and now the box is on the rad in doors , started to empty my gals indoor swimming pool :( will now do a search for rear wash and scuttle drains lol thanks for very quick reply andrew t , hopefully the box will be saved , ( as it looks expensive lol )
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