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David Armstrong

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  1. Steve, My passenger wiper blade sits below the drivers blade on a 2001 mk2 galaxy. David
  2. I have a 51 plate 2.3 manual petrol and have exactly the same problem at the moment. I have changed relay 30 and it made no difference, I have checked relay 167 and it is oprerating properly, I can start the car without relay 167 in place but as it runs the fuel pump it eventually cuts out, so it is not 167 either. I have checked for loose connections at the back of the relays and also opened up relays to check the connections but have not found any issues yet. I started to open up the main wiring loom last night to look for any joints in a brown wire from relay 30 which has been mentioned in this forum before, I found lots of other cables jointed (made by manufacturer not by me) but not one in the brown wire yet though I intend to look at the weekend in daylight. As this is an intermittent fault it is hard to find, I don't know if I have been sold a duff relay.
  3. Thanks Big Kev, I will give that a try tonight. Thanks David
  4. Hi, I have a Galaxy MK2 2001 2.3 petrol which doesn't always start. This has been an occasional thing for many years but has got worse over the last week. When you turn the key sometimes it starts fine, othertimes there is nothing (no noise at all, just lights on the dash and the led on the door) and if you keep trying it will eventually turn over. The battery is fully charged, it makes no difference which key I use, the keys have PATS chips in them, I have changed relay 30 and I have checked the connections in the socket that relay 30 fits into. When you turn the key to the dash lights come on you can normally hear the relay click and the fuel pump start to run and when you turn the key to the next stage the engine starts. I can't hear the fuel pump turning on the occasions the car doesn't start which suggests there is a dodgy intermittent connection somewhere. Tommorow after work I intend to remove the fuse box and half of the dashboard for the third night in a row in the dark with my trusty headtorch and look for a glued connection on the brown wires in the main loom somewhere unless anyone else has another solution that I have not found on any of the forum topics. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks David
  5. Dazza, I had a power loss issue on my petrol 2.3 2001 Galaxy a few years ago. I lost power at higher speeds and the engine management light would come on (but would always go off as soon as I arrived at the local garage!) The problem seemed to be connected to a water leak from the rear wash wipe into under the passenger seat which then gave the control unit for the parking sensors a soaking. Once I repaired the water leak and dried out the parking sensors the power loss issue went away and never returned. I am not sure if the car detected an electric fault which somehow reduced the power to the engine or if it was just a coincidence. David
  6. Adam, This happened to me last year and the air con compressor which is at the very bottom had seized and I had to repace it before I fitted the new belt otherwise it would probably have happened again. Be careful to follow the instructions when re-fitting the belt as the pulley wheels don't all turn the same direction from what I remember. If your compressor has seized and you need to replace it then you should re-claim the refridgerant gas out of the system and then re-charge back into the system once checked for leaks and topped up. You would be best to speak to an air con engineer or take it to a garage for this bit if necessary. Good Luck David
  7. Graham, I have a 2001 Galaxy 2.3 which I have owned since 2003, I have had occasional problems sometimes only once or twice a year when the car wouldn't start. The last few weeks this has happened more and more so after reading your excellent post at lunchtime picked up relay 30 using the part number supplied in your post and spent half an hour changing it over as described. The relay cost me
  8. Carl, Like Gregers says have you changed the batteries in the remote? I spent all day Monday under the car and under the dash trying to work out why it would not start. It did eventually start when I tried the spare key. There is a small black chip inside the key that operates the immobiliser and if you have a 10 year old who likes to pull things apart they fall out and get lost in the hall carpet. If you are lucky you have only spent a day under the car and had the hoover in bits looking for the magic chip. If you are unlucky then you need to get a new key and it re-programmed by a dealer. There is some other threads on this forum who go into this in more detail and have some great pictures to help. Good Luck David
  9. Craig, My AC system works (apart from the fact it has a hole in the pipe and no gas in the system!) and when I put the AC button on the light comes on but as there is no gas in the system the compressor knows this (pressure switch) and does not start ( I pressume to prevent damage when system has lost it's gas) and the engine idle speed does not change. I think your problem may be that there is no gas or a shortage of gas in the system. I got a friend who is a commercial AC engineer to test my system using nitrogen for leaks and that is how I know I have a problem. It may be worthwhile getting the system tested for a leak or re-gassed and see if it makes a difference, most local garages and fast fit tyre places offer this service and there are also mobile fitters in the uk and so I suspect it will be similar in Germany usually costs about
  10. John, There is a website what tow car .com it is a dutch site. You put in your car details and your caravan details and it checks to see if they are compatible and provides lots of detailed information such as power, torque, max speeds, hill starts, motorway driving etc for your combination. This site also gives you your vehicle weights and dimensions. All you need to do is find your car on the list provided. David
  11. Paul, I have had water under the passenger seat on and off for years but did not know the cause (until now) so I will check the washer pipe for a hole. My parking sensors also stopped working and the engine management light came on and I lost power to the engine. I stripped out the parking sensor controler and dried it with a hair drier and put it back together and it works fine most of the time and all the other problems went away. I think you need this unit plugged in for some reason. I was quoted
  12. Craig, I have had a bit of bother with air con in the past when a leak developed and all the gas leaked out. The compressor then seized and snapped the aux belt. I changed the compressor over, renewed the aux belt and one day when summer arrives and it gets too hot I plan to replace the faulty section of pipe and re-fill with gas. What is actually happening when you press th AC button? Is the light coming on? Is the compressor coming on? I presume that you have manual controls and not climate control unit? Is the blower working and normal heating and cooling without the ac? You can by-pass relays to test them but the ac system is made up of a lot of sensors and components and it could be anything that is at fault. As for your lights I would start with the obvious changing the lamps and take it from there. David
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