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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Jason

  1. PM's never seem to work for me, due to an over active antivirus software...! Ford Salvage Centre Unit 1, The Brick Yard, Burton Rd, Monk Bretton, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S71 5RP Tel: 01226 717401 Hands off the privacy glass though!!! :unsure: Is it me or are parts for these things like hen's teeth? Ivor, I am going to Eurodisney this weekend, might see you there. I thought it was the weekend after but I always get dates wrong. Does anyone have any roof bar brackets going spare? The cars are ok for room unless you happen to be going away for more than a day, going to need to get the roof box on it.
  2. I've used Stikaflex a few times and it's the mutts nuts when it comes to bonding things like this. As to where you get it from, well I got it from work so I'll find out on Monday for you.
  3. Just an update... I found a window motor and cables from a W reg Galaxy,
  4. I just wanted to say thanks for the program. I have helped out a customer today that didn't have two schillings to rub together get a 'decent' stereo in their car. One that I might add would have thrown away had I not had the code generator. They were very thankful and I pass this thanks onto Trev. :rolleyes:
  5. Windows Mechanisms :o Aye I went to the ford dealer and he sat me down before telling me the price. I am now doing a county wide search for breaking Galaxies. There was one at the local scrappies but it has been extensively raped of every useful part, same bloody colour too. Pray tell, will the windows XP server station mechanisms from the Sh-al be the same? BTW I am almost certainly going to need a new motor for the rear O/S window as well :o :D Oh and where are the fuses for the windows? I had a quick look today and the only fuses I can find are the ones at the drivers side, didn't seem to have any for the windows.... and whats with the dodgy hidy hole under the drivers seat? Methinks I need a handbook. :D
  6. Help.... I have just located the problem with my passenger front window. The cable has jumped off one of the wheels and has become all chewed up!! Parts in scrappers around here are rarer than hens teeth, can I thread new cable through or will I have to buy the whole lot . Motor and two side sliders complete? Thankingyoukindly! Jay
  7. Could someone send me a copy.....jay.moorhouse@blueyonder.co.uk I am a recovery technician and this would be handy for some of my customers, to be honest I have never heard of this before. Does it really work?
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