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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy '97 2.3GLX

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Hi all, can any one help me out. My 2.3 Mk1 struggles to start from cold.Engine turns over but struggles to start unless you apply a bit of pressure to the accelerator (don't like doing this causes excessive revving on start up). Coolant temp sensor and air inlet temp sensor resistance check out to Haynes manual values. Disconnected battery to see if this would help (remap ECU).still no good. Any ideas?
  2. Don't bother with my local ford dealer ALLEN FORD I think there service is C**P. Take our galaxy to Nationwide Autocentre, Warwick. Absoluteley brilliant, miles cheaper than Ford dealers with better service. Plus you get gallons of Tesco clubcard points which makes it even cheaper in the long run.
  3. Don't bother with my local ford dealer ALLEN FORD I think there service is C**P. Take our galaxy to Nationwide Autocentre, Warwick. Absoluteley brilliant, miles cheaper than Ford dealers with better service. Plus you get gallons of Tesco clubcard points which makes it even cheaper in the long run.
  4. Hi, I have a 1997 2.3 glx. How do I find out if I should have these warning lights for door ajar on the dash. I don't have any at the moment
  5. Dunny, just had front discs and pads replaced @ Nationwide Autocentre Discs
  6. Try writing to Ford, Customer Service Division, Brentwood, Essex. You may get one from there if you're lucky.
  7. Hi i'm a newy to the forum but can anyone answer this question? I have a 2.3 GLX Galaxy and would like to now if it came with the door ajar warning as standard on the instrument cluster? If it does mine does not seem to be operating. Whats the fix?
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