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Everything posted by verhaegh

  1. Hello, I had also a terrible noise for under the bonnet when putting on the A/C or when I put on some stuff that uses a lot of power (front windscreen heating + rear window heating). It turned out to be the tensioner of the multibelt that drives the dynamo, the A/C etc. kind regards, Jos
  2. Hi John, I had the same problem last tuesday. I immediately knew what was wrong due to the good information you can find on www.sgaf.de but you have to know German for that one. The problem you (most likely) have is that the (rain)water that comes of your front windscreen leaks into your ventilation system via the pollen airfilter. This is caused by the fact that the hose through which this water normally flows away is closed due to leaves, mud etc. You can very easily find this hose by opening your bonnet. Between your bonnet and the windscreen there is a black plastic piece (which you also see with the bonnet closed) with holes in it through which your ventilation system gets it's air. Below this piece you'll see your windscreenwhiper mechanism and below that there is a plastic cover which catches all the water that comes in. Behind the windscreenwhiper mechanism you can also see the air cabin filter. The (rain)water that comes in is lead to the right and left side of the vihicle where it is deposited in your wheel arches. One of these hoses (holes) is probably cluttered with leaves etc. The water cannot escape anymore and will come to a level where it can enter your ventilation system through the air cabin filter. When you use a watering can you can see how the water is flowing and where the water cannot escape anymore. You need very tiny hands to clean the holes or use a garden spray to clean them Hopefully this is the solution to your problem kind regards, Jos
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