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    Galaxy 1.9 TDI 2000

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  1. Many Thanks to this helpful info. 2000 1.9 TDI 109000 miles Started making a terrible noise, always at the wrong time. Rang Fords and they could get one in at
  2. Well it looks like my aux/booster heater has stopped working so I've been scanning this and other forums. However I have two problems:- 1. Purchased a cable of ebay and connected to car. It reads engine abd etc modules but it gives 'no response' from heater module ;-( I take it that even if I replace the glow plug it wont work as I cannot reset it. Is changing the software to 3.11 worth a try? Ifs a 2000 galaxy with connector in ashtray. 2. Tried fords (offered
  3. Many Thanx for the reply! - Just in from second soaking and it worked I think I did as you suggested I disconnected the motor set the linkage up and put it back together. Its a crappy job but I expect it would have cost a bit at a garage even spending premium dosh on the motor. TRouble is in this weather you have to have them. Time to relax and chill - maybe a beer and a curry! Thanks Again! John
  4. Thanks - Had to bust the bank though - Need the car tomorrow Got linkage in but now having trouble setting up wipers. I forgot to mark the angle where the motor arm was connected. I connected the motor to the plug without the arm and let it move to rest then reconnected it, but I'm thinking now it may have moved. The wipers come too far down the windscreen and move up a bit at rest. I've come in out of the rain for a cup of tea and a think. If anyone can guide me in setting these up it would be appriciated in simple terms I think! Cheers John
  5. Hi the electronic box on my ford Galaxy 2000 W reg has failed. Local Ford have motor & box for
  6. Mine stopped today been out on the drive all night with son holding torch. Had the linkage apart one was very stiff got it all back in around 10:30 and still didn't work. So out again tested lead to motor when wipers on 3 termainals together live at 12V 12V and 10.3V or something. Circuit board looks a bit worse for wear and black on one side. Tried motor on a battery charger and it ran so thinking its circuit board. Anyone know how much a new one of these costs or if you can get them? This has really buggered up my weekend..oh well. I have done the linkage in the past and used copper grease - I think this time I'll use LM (I take it thats low melting point). :rolleyes:
  7. Well it went in OK - Halfords was surprisingly cheapest place I found for the connector. Bluetooth works OK Not bad Aux in, MP3 & Bluetooth for
  8. The cheapest I've found this lead is
  9. Hi I've just purchased the Aldi unit with blue tooth to replace the 2007R unit. I've looked at the back of the 2007R and there is a grey yellow and black connector. I've been trawling the net for info and this forum and still a bit confused regarding adaptors. Do I need this one? http://incarexpress.co.uk/view_product.php?partno=PC9402 Autoleads PC9402 Is it cheaper to not bypass the amplifier assuming I've got one? Thanks in advance for any tips - Oh and best place to get adapters? Cheers John
  10. I have a 200 1.9 TDI with a factory fitted 2000 7R RDS with 6 CD changer and steering column controls. I've had a couple of consultations with Halfords with conflicting advice etc and it looks like even with free fitting you will need 3 adapters at
  11. Well the dealer changed the MAF and all is well! Cheers John
  12. Move the rear seats as far back as you can and the front forward. You then fold the back down (by pulling the lever) and then pull the loop at the back or the lever at the side to hinge the seat on its front mounting. Then squeeze together the 2 round bits of metal under the seat at the front to release the seat. Then you do your back in! Hope this is of some help Cheers John
  13. http://raticatcher.tripod.com/photo/thumbnails/400x300/what_is_it.JPG Last Try :huh:
  14. I'm not having a lot of luck with this picture - If you view properties of the red cross on white square you should be able to see it. Cheers JOhn The Picture
  15. http://photos1.blogger.com/img/238/5618/400/what%20is%20it.jpg
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