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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy 1.9 Tdi ghia

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  1. I have for sale secondhand spares which I bought online from a company called 247 Spares, which when they arrived were for an earlier model and did'nt fit. They are being sold as a complete package for exactly what I paid for them of
  2. Further to my last I have spoken to a garage who have agreed to carry out tests to trace the problem. The test they do is put some kind of dye into the cooling system which changes colour if there is a problem with the head. But after describing the symptoms he doubts if its the head thats the problem, so it will be interesting to see what he finds. Will report back when I know more. Ken.
  3. Thanks for all contributors to this thread I will certainly try out all the suggestions as I have been qouted
  4. I have just run the engine on the drive up to normal temperature and there is no sign of steam from the exhaust or unusual smell from the header tank. Failing everthing else I may have to reluctantly take it to Ford and sell the house to pay the bill. This needless to say is the last option. Ken P.S. Has anyone tried a leak sealant and did it prove successful?
  5. Thanks for all the assistance. Ihave changed the thermostat and the filler cap but my problem differs slightly in as much as I'm losing water. If as suggested by previous post it is the water pump and it's not leaking where would the water be going to? Ken
  6. Thanks for your reply. Head gasket is a possibility, but there is no water in the oil and no apparent smell of exhaust fumes in the header tank. Have checked for steam from exhaust no sign of any. Do you know if any test to confirm head gasket problem as I would immagine this is a very expensive job. Ken.
  7. I am having to top up my cooling system often and have had pressure test carried out and checked for leaks which shows no loss of pressure, but when running the engine with expansion cap off water appears to be running from the small pipe connecting to the top of the expansion tank, I thought this pipe was the overflow am I wrong in my assumption? Can anyone tell me where this pipe connects to and is it normal for this to happen. P.S. This problem has caused me many sleepless nights and would appreciate any help to solve it. Incidently I returned home yesterday on the back of an AA recovery truck because after travelling approx. 50 miles my temperature gauge went of the scale. The vehicle is a Galaxy 1.9 Tdi Ghia 2000 W Reg. Thanks for any help. :)
  8. The same thing happened to me this morning, but I have checked for any sign of water under the passenger seat but it is totally dry. there was though an extremely heavy frost, is it possible this could have any effect? My Galaxy is a 2000 1.9 tdi Gia. Any solution would be appreciated. :huh:
  9. Well spotted GSM Guy :D :D It should read FORD Ka Thanks for politely correcting me. KenB. You must agree at least I posted in the correct section. :lol:
  10. I have recently had a fault where engine management light has indicated problem on No 2 cylinder, this was found to be a valve which had to be replaced andwith dismantling work and reassembly the total cost was over
  11. I have read in a previous thread to check brake sensors with a multimeter. Can some kind person explain how to do this? My ABS light comes on sometimes but not all the time,and stays on for differing periods. If there is any other way to cure this fault apart from taking the bulb out suggestions would be very welcome. Ken :D
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