Need some helpful forum diagnosis. Galaxy is a 2003 TDI 130 manual. Was on a 100 mile drive and half way into it I got what I can only describe as a misfire when pressing the throttle more than a teeny bit. Initially I thought I was driving over the remnants of those temporary cats eyes they sometimes use to mark temp lanes on motorways. Experienced it in 4th, 5th, and 6th. No smoke. Declutched and rumble/misfire disappeared, so appears to be engine and load related. Stopped several times on hard shoulder - checked everything. No loose wheels, no leaks, no funny smells, no smoke. Left engine running on hard shoulder. Each time after stopping, back onto motorway and she was ok for a few mins before getting symptoms again. Haven't checked error codes yet, but research on this forum kinda sounds like it might be the injector loom. Or maybe one of the PD injectors itself. Funny thing is she has literally just come back from a two day 1000 mile walking trip around the UK (had a few drivers) and she did 42mpg over 48 hours, loaded with 6 people and walking gear. So very impressed with that. Any thoughts? I changed the fuel filter and engine oil about 1500 miles ago - both VW Quantum parts and correct oil for PD.