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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  2. Not sure how, but the kids have gone to the car opened it and then said they cant shut the back driver side passenger door ! and I cant get it shut. I cant see anything in the manual. Ive tried various pressing of the reomote controls to no success. Hopefully, it is a simple fix ! especially as we are off on holidays tomorrow !!!
  3. I finally got an hour on Sunday to have a look at the suggestions. After dodgeing the considerable showers (floods !), I eventually got down to the inertia belt unit. Unfortunately, I havent gained any play in the belt and I am not going to mess around with the unit (Ive been warned !!). :blink: Has anyone got any further thoughts / suggestions on what I may be able to do ! - apart from the get another one option...
  4. :D Thanks Gooner. I'll give that a go. Nibs ps I also have 98 gal, and you wont believe it but the on Saturday the rear right passenger seat, the damn seat belt button fell apart :lol: I need to get that apart now and see if I can get it back together - o joy pps Im off pro footy at the mo, as I am a dejected baggies fan - mind you now useless Captain Marvel is off I am a bit happier...
  5. Hi Ive not long got a 98 hatchback and the middle rear seat belt wont move. Its in its tightest position and I just cant get it to budge. Its not in the belt clip. I have also looked at the double seat and cant see where it is fixed onto the frame/bodywork . Is it possible to get at the belt and slacken off or take off and replace ? I also still have a 94 saloon (that it replaced) and I am going to scrap it. ps. a crackin site that is useful
  6. I have a 98tdi (ford) and the passenger front seat has got stuck in the forward position. I have had a grope round (with the seat not those who get on it) and have failed to get it to get it to move. Is there anyway it could have locked or do you know how I can get at any retaining type fixtures to try and move it.
  7. Yup, you know those little things that sell cars ! Well, as I am sure anyone else who has kids using their precious Galaxy as an Indoor softplay area will know, that the covers either side of the front gearchange don't last very long. THe little plastic nodes have busted and I was wondering if anyone has got any practical solutions to provding a secure hold ? Also one of the covers has gone missing - are they replaceable ? Ta.
  8. Thanks Andy & FredT. Printed off and all done and dusted last night, at least I have no fear of braking now (gently obviously). The 'mechnanic' has gone back to his exotic stuff now. Most grateful... ;) ;) :rolleyes:
  9. OK - hands up, a bit of a leading question from me, and clearly I am not a 'mechanic' and my willing helper isn't either or although he does know his way around brakes , just not the Galaxy type. He had asked if I could find out any info that may prove helpful - Apologies if I have wasted anyones time.
  10. I was looking for some advice on changing the back brake discs and pads. I have already located a good deal for the parts and have a willing mechanic ready to do the job. He has asked about how the handbrake connects on the back ? Can anyone give me some info please. Vehicle is 98 R 1.9 tdi (90) Galaxy. and in the last 6 weeks I have had to change the battery, have a cambelt done (at a Ford dealers) and the MAF done (at a Lucas centre - as recommended by the Ford dealers) so the last thing I needed was to hear metal on metal with the rear brakes p.s. cracking web site for anything Galaxy ish
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