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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by manta

  1. Thanks for the link stevie m :lol:
  2. Also worth noting, in my hanbook it described my no 12 fuse as a blue 25amp and for something other than the heater? It is no 12 for sure, white and 30amp, remove this.
  3. Ok, thanks for advice again, i feel better knowing the car will not be damaged with the aux heater inoperative. All nuts and bolts have now been sprayed with wd40, will try to remove old plug this weekend. Am still to obtain a replacement plug but could wait! It would be nice to buy the Glowplug off the shelf locally :lol:
  4. Thanks Nikpv :rolleyes:
  5. I think i'm in the correct section now, how do i know which 'mk' my 6 year old manual gb basic tdi 115hp galaxy is :rolleyes: my handbook fails me. Zetec i think. :lol:
  6. Thanks gregers, i will try that :rolleyes:
  7. Thanks for the excellent advice, i have removed the fuse and smoke is no longer present, i will hopefully start work on the heater at the weekend. Having looked at the other link from GMSGuy concerning this unit, i can't view the pictures? and have just two questions, on removal of the fuel pipe, will it leak, and will i cause damage running the car without the heater running? Kind regards and thanks, Mark.
  8. Thanks for these replies, am not sure which mk but is now about 5-6 years old, no fancy extras, 1.9 tdi, greater of the 2 hp's, 115 i think, manual gear box. I will do some inquiring about changing the glowplug and try to change it myself :lol: You were correct, there were quite a few posts on this, i will try to digest as much as possible first. I did read in one of the posts that the unit can be dissabled? at least until it's repaired.
  9. Hi all, i have a problem with what i think is called the auxiliary heater, it is located under the car near to the rear end, and is shaped like a miniture exhaust, the problem occurs on warm up, when lots of white smoke or steam or both pours from this little exhaust and on inspection is quite wet with diesel. The Galaxy 1.9 tdi has never done this before, but when it does happen it can be quite worrying, any help please :lol:
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