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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North East

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  1. seems like im not the only one with no cruise control is this a common problem with the galaxy mine is 2.3 petrol automatic 2000 never worked since i had it infact didnt even know i had it lol
  2. ive just come in from the cold where i have taken the center consol apart to fix the same the back lights on my 2.3 x reg have been out since ive had her top tip dont ease the bulb out with nose pliers as i have just done there is a small lip under the bulb holding it in place i found i after my vice like grip squashed the bulb flat if im right the bulb is moulded into a long grey stalk to which has 2 prongs also i replace a 20 amp fuse very bottom right hand corner of the fuse box this has helped to i think i seem to have air con for the first time and the rear heaters etc work now to just got to buy a new bulb hope this helped
  3. ive read quite a bit on here about glow plugs now im gonna sound thick what is it is it some thing that pre warms some thing when the engine is cold and is it on both petrol and diesel engines
  4. just joined this site and i must say at first was a little gutted as couldnot find or download info on fuse layout however after reading this post and looking at the pics i have been able to see what amp fuse and where fingers crossed thanks so much oh if any body wants to help further im after complete fuse layout and anp of galaxy 2000 2.3 petrol as i have no book and for some reason int dash and heater switch lights up on the rear pas roof dont work hope its just fuses oh and i have the same dreaded problems of no cruise control no air con and for some reason the old girl stutters some times when driving along as if i lose power as its automatic a just step down and 3 4 sec later power returns so if anyone could please help wouls be very greatfull indeed thanks once again sye
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