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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Hi there, I have the opportunity to have a complete multimedia system from a 2008' Ford Galaxy, and I would fit in my Alhambra. could someone tell me what is the diameter of the rods headrest, and their between-axis? Thanks
  2. Do you have a new Galaxy or an older? VAG-COM is a diagnostic software and settings for the VAG group cars, but that included the Ford Galaxy until 2007. I think that if the compressor have burned, that shouldn't prevent the heating function.
  3. Hello, do you have VAG-COM and a diagnostic cable? you should see if you have a default code... does your climatronic blink when you turn on your engine? this means that a servomotor is failing
  4. Hello, I'm from France, and I have a '07 SEAT ALAHMBRA. I'm looking to install a guenuine intertenment DVD system, and I already find a DVD-player from a 2008' S-max. I will have a lot of questions, cause it seems to talk to the sceens via the Can-Bus, and I don't now how I could enter the safety code if I use not guenuine screen... I'm also on some other forum like www.sgaf.de, or www.vag-technique.fr
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