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Everything posted by dog-god

  1. Car is a 1.9 TDi (115bhp)Galaxy ,Year 2003 my mistake on the service light , not a light but its on the bottom left of the milometer as LED txt, but as its dark out now i was unable to see it when i tried the car now When i turn the key to the second position i can hear a whoosh sound which i assume is the fuel pump The battery has an indicator (round hole glass on top) green is for a good battery, its showing green no dimming of the dashboard or main headlights so im assuming that the battery is good could be the starter motor or the ignition switch guess it looks like it'll be heading to garage :) First ill get hold of someone to test battery but like i said thats unlikely.
  2. It happened over the Christmas where the car wouldn't start or turn over for 3 days in the very cold weather, however with the thaw it came back to life Now 2 days ago my wife drove it to class and when she returned to the car it wouldn't turn over, luckily it was parked on a hill and i was able to hill start it and i drove it without any problems. Once stopped it refused to start or turn over again After searching though the forums i came across the post on changing the "power boot relay" (30 or 27) however after stripping the fuse board i don't have a relay marked for either of those I called to the local ford dealer(on a bike) and they couldn't see which was the relay in question on their electrical layout on their computer system but they suggested that the fuse panel near the battery might be the issue. Ive had a look at it and cant see any melting or discoloration as mentioned in the forum regarding that problem and the 3 fuses look fine. Also there doesn't seem to be an issue regarding the battery as all the lights on the dashboard come on and don't flicker at the second point of the ignition turn. With the final turn (which should start the car) the service light flashes, but im unsure if it always did that or not Any ideas cause I'm out of work at the moment and need to try and fix it myself if possible.
  3. the tail light is working fine,when the handbrake is on the brake lights dont come on either ,should they,ive checked the cables visually but cant see anything wrong with them.
  4. thanks for the fast reply fuse 15 has what looks like frost ,disel pump and wheel with i assume brakes at either side symbols,anyway fuse looks fine ,its marked as a 10 so i exchanged it with another 10 and still no luck, the coil light doesn't come on straight away ,normally 5 or 6 seconds,possibly the time taken to do the diagnostic check any other ideas
  5. Did a search of the forum for this error and so far ive replaced the bulbs and the brake switch but still no brake lights, the fuse is next i think, but i dont know which one it is ,also the brake light bulb has the other filament working so does this mean that the fuse isnt blown. also the brake light on the top of the boot door isnt working Any other suggestions. Any and all help much appreciated.
  6. cant select gears when engine is off either i have a mate who works at quickfit so im going to bring car up there on saturday for ramp and tool access where should i be looking at and how would i confirm that it is the linkage - cable and would it be possible for us to replace the linkages or cables ourselves any idea of cost to buy chromedome - much appreciate your fast reply :lol:
  7. my wife was collecting the kids from school and on the way home while in second gear found that she coulndnt select any other gear so she coasted up onto pavement and left car when i got home as the car was only about 400 yards from the house i left it in second and proceeded back to the house while on the way the other gears decided that they would work drove into the driveway switched of and then restarted and reversed out when i was all the way out i found serious difficulty trying to get it into any forward gear to park outside the house finally managed to get into second again and parked and left it there ive scaned the forums and seen some posts about the linage getting stuck or and the bolt holding them shearing could someone give me an idea where to loook to see what i i am suppose to be looking for as i thought it might be the clutch and ive gotten a priice off the the main dealer at about 650 euro inc vat for clutch and 500 euro odd to fit ,approx
  8. my error - it is a 115bhp NikpV _ thanks for the info
  9. all the bolts bar 2 are easily removed the 2 in question are beside the flywheel and are off set from the acess holes what im wondering is ,is a special tool required or will a wobbley extension get acess to them or worst case does the gear box have to be dropped any and all help appreciated
  10. may have found the prob after checking nearly every post in the forum http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/Forum/index.php?showtopic=1898 a guy with intermetent wiper and blower probs - a bad load reduction relay causing the prob will be on to the dealers tomorrow and get them to check it if im right how much do u think i should charge :D per hour - i must have 2 hours of reading posts done for all who posted to help me out - i do appreciate it
  11. update got the car back on friday evening and all seemed fine the garage claimed that there was a leak around the air con and he water dripping down went on a computer that controlled the fans and aircon ? anyone ever hear of this now sunday evening my wife went to the shops and wipers and fans wouldnt work i hoped in the car and drove to auto exchange and on the last roundabout the fans and wipers came back of their own accord i had left the switches on luckyily when just they refused to work once again when the sales man came to check car is once again back with autoexchange am considering what to do with regards to this car - reject or not has anyone else had a prob like this would be most intrested in hearing
  12. well fans and air con back working this morning and auto exchange have send the car off to ford dealer to get the probs sorted it cant be a blown fuse as as they are back working, i realise the turbo dosent kick in till 2000 rpm but this went up throuh the rev range without seeming to give me the boost that occurs with a turbo when it kicks in,maybe i was in too high a gear and the boost was more gradual again ive been used to driving a 2l gt petrol without a turbo so it may be just getting used to it ,but i mentioned it so that it can be checked as well hopefully fords diagonistic equipment will find the probs also got on to aa ,what actually happens is that auto exchange is part of a program that the aa runs for the 100 point check ,they dont actually do the check themselves but they check if dealers and garages are capable of doing the program they have devised,and they do spot checks on the garages have notified the finance company in case i need a refund or replacement ,if they cant fix the probs to me satifaction
  13. well while was typing the last post my wife went to the shop and everything fine so i decided to bring for another drive myself the turbo may not be a fault but me getting used to it depending on what gear im in and what speed the turbo seems to kick in anywhere from 2000 to 3000 revs - will test this again tomorrow however the wipers worked for the first half of the spin - approx 10 miles altogether and then stoped - the back wiper was working away by itself even when after i switched it off and a new error the air con also stopped working - well the fans stopped working - stopped the car and turned off ,restarted wipers and air con fans still out - not sure if t stopped when the wipers stopped as i hadnt the wipers on at the time have brought it home and parked it got stressed enough spending the money on this car 35,000 euro but for this to happen believe me i didnt make a mistake typing the price - cars in ireland are unreal dear after the goverment screws us with vrt
  14. felt really foolish at the last question anyway i picked up the car this morning but it looks like its going straight back there is water dripping down from underneath the console on the passenger footwell- had little mist of rain - cant see how that could be the prob the wipers worked on the way to my father in laws they didnt on the way back , a shutdown of the engine and they worked again this was both the front and back wipers ,the spray jets continued to work the turbo seemed to dissappear after a stop in a garage for coffee and reappeared again after a shutdown of the engine this is a 2003 reg car with just 15000 miles on the clock am trying to locate the forner owner but itll prob be monday before i get his details to see if he got rid of it because of these faults this car is from auto exchange in galway ireland and comes with a 100 point AA check and warenty which seems laughable with all these faults showing up on day one and no owners manual to check service history anyone know what the ford warrenty is for 1 or 2 years as i assume its prob out on the 12 month one
  15. yep it seems to be the zetec 115bhp another question is about the front fog lamps i cant find how they switch on or are they supposed to come on with the main headlights if so it needs replacement bulbs all the help much appreciated it is looking like ill be taking this one and selling my primera GT :blink:
  16. just wondering how i find out what bhp is in the galazy im looking at as the owner manual is missing its an august 2003 model with air con and parking sensor ,remote locking , electric windows front only, 17" alloys, cloth upholsery its maked as TDi on the back
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