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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2000/X 2.3 Ghia

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Member (2/8)



  1. Hi, As header MK II, 2.3 - In need to fix the cruise control pipe that runs from the control unit behind the near side front wheel arch. Do people generally replace the whole pipe down to the pedals - if so how difficult is that - or do you normally just re-cut the end at the pump and attach again? Driving to the south of France next week and want to rest my right foot on the journey! Cheers, Josh
  2. Hi, Mine gear knob is falling apart - anyone have a spare one for a Mk II, 5 speed that they don't need anymore? It's the lift for reverse type. Or know where I can get a cheap replacement - don't really want to spend
  3. Hi, I know that some on here have the Atera LINEA bike carrier AR4500 for a G. Mk II - and I was wondering what the overall height is when fitted - without bikes? I am thinking about buying one and want to know am I still going to get into local car parks that have a 2m height limit with one fitted - or am I going to have to remove it when not in use? Also - with 4 bikes on - the largest being a full size adult mountain bike - what is overall height and increased length - as I need to book a ferry trip soon (before I will have had a chance to buy and fit the bike rack) and need to know the overall dimensions for the ferry booking! Cheers, Josh
  4. As header, I'm after a pair of rear door speakers for Mk II Galaxy, as mine seem to have blown! Anyone upgraded and got a old pair that they don't need? Can collect from around Catherham / Heathrow area, otherwise would be grateful if they could be posted. Alternatively - anyone recommend a suitable replacement make / model - nothing too expensive required. Cheers, Josh
  5. Evening all, I get an occasional "clunk" from the rear (nearside I think) of my Gal when going over speed bumps etc a bit too fast. It sounded to me just like a loose exhaust knocking something to the side of it - but had a poke around and all seemed in order. My mate also has a Gal as he said that he had the same noise and the dealer claimed it was a loose 'rear drop hanger'. Anyone know what / where this is and whether it is likely to be the source of the knock? Cheers, Josh
  6. Can you tell me how the a/c buttons pull off? I have removed the facia around the a/c unit, and underneath there are 2 x torx screws in each corner. I guess that the outer (larger) ones detach the whole unit, but the inner (smaller) ones I think just detach the front housing. I don't have a torx bit that small - smallest I have is T10 - does anyone know what size the smaller inner ones are? Thanks, Josh
  7. Hi, As the description says, someone spilt sticky drink on radio / ac controls from a drink container whilst it was in one of the drinks holders (what a stupid place to put them...). Anyway, all works ok, but buttons are very sticky, and some don't release after a brief press. Anyone have any suggestions for cleaning out the buttons? Thanks, Josh
  8. My aircon lost it's ability to cool gradually over the summer (car is 6 years old) so I guess that I need to get it re-gassed. I was going to take it to Kwit-Fit (
  9. Help! Can anyone tell me what kind of car this is: http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/6081/carak5.jpg Thanks, Josh
  10. Thanks - have email him. Keith (see above) has a spare one which I would like to buy, but really need to feel comfortable with removing the front seat first. I've re-wired my house, put in new kitchens and bathrooms, build pc's & networks, but me and car repairs have never got on well! Thanks, Josh
  11. Tried that didn't work. Anyone know where the eject hole is on these units? BTW - It's on my wife's focus, and if anyone has experience of removing a unit (without taking out the seat which I'm a bit reluctant to to) I'd be grateful. The 6 holding screws are proving reluctant to remove. Josh
  12. Hi, Has anyone had to remove / change the cd changer on a Focus (previous model) where it is located under the passenger seat. Ford TIS says remove the seat! I have tried (not removing the seat) but the 6 screws holding the unit to the support bars are tight as ****. The unit is giving an error 5 and refusing to eject the cassette. Tried disconnecting the power cable for 30 mins but no joy. Any ideas? Cheers, Josh
  13. Anyone managed to get any further on this? My wife's Focus is giving the same error and wondering what the best course of action is? Thanks, Josh
  14. Cheers guys, and is it easy to get to the cigarette lighter socket (raining outside, otherwise I would be out with my toolbox!)
  15. Hi, Need to get a 12v supply to central dash-top storage bin, terminated in a cigar lighter socket to power phone charger etc. If I remove the central bin, is there a supply somewhere underneath? Thanks, Josh
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