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About gravesyt

  • Birthday 02/09/1966

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  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 1.9 tdi ghia x 1998
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  • Region
    North West

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  1. had the company shed for the last 2 wks so not been near the Gal so took her for a blast to sort this problem out once and for all gave her good thrashing and more :ninja: had a look under the bonnet diesel leaking from injector not the leak off pipe this I think might be the issue with power loss in 5 th gear hoping its just a copper washer there no mis firing or signs/sounds of any damage she starts fine and oil levels are ok no diesel in there
  2. OOPS sorry not injector . one of the reading mbar is constantly showing 1020 mbar
  3. Hi Chris had a look a the file might have a problem with one of the injectors only had them service at 100k but not to sure
  4. Found it in v-scope will look at it later
  5. Hi Chris did that solo the other day but can't find the file what it did notice when putting her through her paces in 5 th gear she was a bit hesitant on take up which as open a new line of enquiry throttle body ? got to find the file first as for the van she staying put till I sort this out . Hopefully if its nice on Sunday me and the grandson (6) will look at the turbo and vanes first then go from there
  6. ye mine was the same on flats drives great when its under strain that's the tell tail sign if it was vanes/ actuator it would happen most of the time try a clean got a problem at the mo with mine something similar only in 5 th gear but happening on flats if you have cruise control find a steep hill set cruise on and if the speed starts to dip on the way up (it should cut out )then back to normal on the flat is the maf and it will not show on vagcom
  7. vagcom working fine had problem with abs the other wk fault code abs censor going to look at turbo and actuator this Sunday weather permitting before for it go's in for service at the TDI specialist also all piping one thing I did notice when pulling the caravan was a faint smell of diesel/ oil when I unhooked I think it might be one of them things seek and you shall find but you might not like IT also if anyone has the info what are the diameters of the vacuum pipes I think there are sizes the one going to the ecu seem a total and size and braid to the rest cheers
  8. all . quick question if the n75 valve -boost censor is faulty will it show its fault in all gears if I thrash it in each gear Cheers
  9. Had something similar a few years ago I was using cruise control at 70 hit a hill speed started to drop off at the top straighten out speed back to normal it was the Maf the mechanic a senor Tec said it was one of the first sign of maf failure but try cleaning it first
  10. cheers there's a TDI specialist who does all the work on the gal for gave him ring and booked in going to do a clean and actuator for me hopefully that should sort it out , other wise its camping not caravan :(
  11. Thanks Seatkid I am also looking at changing the MAF the last one I replaced was it with was a different part number but a direct replacement ( newer version) say fords but WV can get me the original one . or could it be the n75 valve on its way out whilst its under pressure from towing she is getting on a bit but drive as she should also thinks of getting Turbo service as I think she's worth it just got to look at costs
  12. original bosch 1 428 448 from ford ford ( discount 51 % ) the Gal is 1.9 tdi 110
  13. sorry all for the delay in getting back work commitment . Maf was change last year and the caravan brakes are ok. when I was in 5 th gear foot to the floor it was as it wasn't there coming up the gears absolute great in 4th I could of quite easy have got to 60 with out red lining
  14. Hi all got my caravan out of storage yesterday driving great 1, 2, 3, 4 loads of power smooth take away turbo seemed to be working great hit the dual carriage way 45 mph in 4 shifts in to 5 nothing struggled to get to 60 mph .with foot to the floor lucky for me I had my laptop with vag on it so when it got home I didn't turn the engine off plugged vag in to see the error code Nothing at all check for holes in pipe work that I could see nothing so took the gal solo for a blast and I mean a blast at 70 ish she still wants to go and can feel it pushing me back in the seat , is it the actuator . n75 valve the van weighs 1154 kg so 69% weight ratio so not to heavy god help me if I hit a hill :( got to get this sored fast away next wk or dog house for the rest of the year all privileges stopped :angry:
  15. All done as suspected dosing pump terminal had disintegrated clean up and re soldered Turned the Gal over put paper clip in jet engine and ticking noise and smoke like music to my ears and tears to my eyes .then nothing after throwing a few spanners and butting the wall it dawned on me after changing the glow plug and dosing pump I needed to bleed it down so off came the heater unclipped the fuel line got the diesel through all put back together and it going at last .Thanks all for your input
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