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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Frank Byrne

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 1.9 tdi
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    North West

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Hi Paulus, sounds like your having the same problem as me, no power to the glow plugs, and smoke when starting, when warm the car is great... ive had this problem for some time now, ford informed me there was no glow plug regulater on my 1998 tdi which i find strange.. ive taken it to a garage who informed me there must be but want it for a day to find it... at a cost of i dont know what... Its not your batery as one has surgested.. if anybody knows where the regulater is, we'd be greatful if you could share it...
  2. can anyone help.. i have a R reg 1.9TDi which starts or will not when cold. i've checked the glow plugs which are fine... ive been told by a aa guy that the lead leading to the plugs has no power to it. this lead im told only works on cold starts and has a regulater somewhere... anyone know where the glow plug regulater is on a ford galaxy 1.9 TDi.. Many thanks..
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