Hello to you all, im cat, 22 yrs old and just purchased my first car, of a galaxy it is a 1999 V reg, 2.8 Ghia X Black, v6, got this through a dealer, due to myself being disabled and a wheelchair user, i also have epilespy which means im not able to drive, but i have purchased this car by myself, my dad will be driving this for me, i have also paid for the insureance and tax - again he is named on, as he is driver. i am a lover of MPV's we have a second car of a zaphira but due to my deteriation of health now needed a wheelchair to carry in the car full time, the galaxy is able to take this, we are also caravaners as a family so we will eventually be towing with the car. i find this car so much easier to get in and out of and is just so much more comfortable our galaxy, has had 3 owners, and has 103,000 miles on the clock, its just had a new MOT on it, which was all well. cat