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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy v6
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    South East

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  1. thanks for all your help with this subject, today moved the seats, bought it down to a 5 seater for the weheelchair use, and have managed to get the intergrated child seat moved to the middle which is what we wanted so everyones all happy, so thanks everyone.
  2. heya ive recently purchased a 1999 galaxy ghia x v6, today have just taken it down to a 5 seater, theres actually only going to be 4 people in the car, so taken out the back 2, it certinaly comes in handy for boot space, ive had to get the galaxy due to myself now needing a specialised wheelchair so the space is needed, but i personally still would have it lol, im a big fan of the car,
  3. heya, managed to get some radio keys from halfords to get the radio out for the serial number, and used the website for the code, and it all now works :-) thanks to everyone who helped!
  4. hello, they offered to do it, but we needed to car ASAP, due to my health reasons the car is needed to carry a specialied wheelchair, so we said we will sort the radio out, no problem to us, just finding out if theres a way round it while waiting for ownership documents to arrive, if not then no worries we will just had to wait :-)
  5. unfourntaly we dont have the log book or manual - managed to get hold of the manaul so waiting for that atm, we got the car through a dealer, its just had a new battery on it so lost the code
  6. hello, as you know im new to the forum and new to the galaxy, we bought the car on 21/08/08...does anyone know how long how long the documention of proof of ownership takes to turn up..as we need to have it to get the radio code sorted as a new battery was put in so its now lost the code. i guess we cant do it without that documentation? cheers cat
  7. heya thats great, thank you, yes it does have a lap belt currently in the middle seat, but this seat will not be used. its only the drivers seat, passenger seat and the seats behind those that will be used. its just my sister has fallen in love with the childs seat thats inside the very back seat, so want to bring that one to the middle so she can have her dolly in it - dont ask why lol trying to keep everyone happy, it wont be used at all apart from this so the normal saftey belts wont matter
  8. hello, we have just bought a 1999 galaxy ghia x v6 i hope this doesnt sound as stupid as its written, its something to keep a member of the family happy lol there is only the 4 of us traveling in the car - weve had to purchase the galaxy due to myself using a wheelchair. now, the rear right seat has a child seat built into it, is this possible to move that seat to the middle? as member of the family likes take her dolls out with her, and think it would be nice for her, - it wont be used for a "human" lol i am aware that the seat belt configeration is differnt to the middle seat, but would this matter if it will never be used? will the seat "click" in bottom of the car? hope this all makes sense the rear seats will also be taken out to take the use of the wheelcahir so it will be reduced to techinally 5 passengers - but only taking 4 at all times.
  9. Hello to you all, im cat, 22 yrs old and just purchased my first car, of a galaxy it is a 1999 V reg, 2.8 Ghia X Black, v6, got this through a dealer, due to myself being disabled and a wheelchair user, i also have epilespy which means im not able to drive, but i have purchased this car by myself, my dad will be driving this for me, i have also paid for the insureance and tax - again he is named on, as he is driver. i am a lover of MPV's we have a second car of a zaphira but due to my deteriation of health now needed a wheelchair to carry in the car full time, the galaxy is able to take this, we are also caravaners as a family so we will eventually be towing with the car. i find this car so much easier to get in and out of and is just so much more comfortable our galaxy, has had 3 owners, and has 103,000 miles on the clock, its just had a new MOT on it, which was all well. cat
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