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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South East

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  1. Yes, how many people with ebay cars did we come across while looking for help with this! Thanks very much, will make sure thats what we get.
  2. To be honest we have never used the air con. Basically I think they may just drain what is left out so it doesn't leak. We really have no idea what they are talking about most of the time! We have a 2.8 petrol. I assume the handbook will say what sort of anti freeze we should use?? This was our ebay bargain car. Only not such a bargain now! Warning light came on 2 days after we bought it! Will make sure we are topping up correctly now Thank you
  3. Little update! Its been to the garage, well it's still there. It took them only a couple of hours to work out what was wrong, unlike the first that took 4 days then repaired the wrong thing. Firstly it's the matrix and another leak on something else which i've forgotten but it wasn't a big deal and that one was easy. There's also a problem with the air con leaking but apparently if they start fixing it, it could open us up to a whole world of problems. Seeing as we don't use it, they're just going to seal it off so its not leaking and the car won't have air con. Finally think we may be getting somewhere! We'll see when we get the car back! Thanks everyone for all your help, will let you know how we get on!
  4. Thank you! We have it booked in for a third garage tomorrow. We were also wondering if the water in the footwell was just a coincidence and not related to the initital problem. This garage is a ford specialist, but not actually ford I think. But we will state what you have said in an attempt to not look completely clueless :rolleyes: Thank you!
  5. Well its been into the garage today and they reckon the matrix is ok, and that the 2 pipes the other garage replaced haven't done anything :) They 'think' its the head gasket as there seems to be water coming from that. but its to big a job for them so we are going to have to go elsewhere. They reckon about
  6. I don't think we would be up to the job to be honest! We have absoltely no idea when it comes to cars! Guess I'll ring the garage and get out the credit card. Thanks again
  7. Thanks To be honest we don't use the air con but will try it tomorrow. We just assumed it was water in the footwell so will check that out tomorrow. Does anyone know how much this matrix is going to cost? Whent he garage mentioned it before he said it wa a massive job so we are expecting it to be pretty pricey :rolleyes: Thanks for your help!
  8. We have a 1998 Galaxy which a few months ago started flashing the temp light, whilst needle was is normal range. We realised we had a water leak from somewhere, took it to the garage who replaced a pipe. They warned the bit where the pipe connected to the heater matrix had been repaired before may fail so we may have to replace the matrix in future. Car was fine for a couple of weeks, then started leaking again (basically topping up the water every day). Took it in again and they said it wasn't the matrix and replaced another pipe. Again fine again for another few weeks. Then temp light flashing again and water leaking. By now getting annoyed! The leak is slower than before so the garage are doing something, but there is also obviously a problem. The display panel for the air con flashes for about 10 seconds when the car starts. And as of yesterday we have a big pool of water in the drivers foot well. We don't want to keep going back to the garage who clearly don't know what the problem is, so does anyone know what this is? we also have a bit of windscreen misting up which we have been told indicates the heater matrix. Any help gratefully received
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