Er.. well hubby looked just before he took it away. He just knelt down and said "its right there, quite low" and he was talking about the power steering pump thingy. He said there was no cover or shield there to protect it. The only way i can describe the fault is that after I have been through puddles or spray the steering then seems to only have a small 45 degree turn which is easy, after this it is like hitting a bar of steel. This morning I came up to an island where I wanted to turn right. It wasn't a mini roundabout or a massive island, just a normal sized one. As I approached I thought, I should go really slow just incase the steering plays up again. I drove onto the island (thankfully desserted) and as i got to the point to lock it over right it just moved 45 degrees and stopped! So instead of going like 3 o clock, you end up going 1 o clock! If you are going nice and slow you can just really force it over and it kind of just inched round enough to make the turn, but very very stiff! The first time it caught me out though, and I ended up over the pavement! If you pullover and leave the car for half hour it drives off fine again, full and happy light steering, go through a couple of puddles though and it fails again! :angry2: