Hi, I've seen a thread on this topic, but couldn't see a resolution. I have the same problem. Mk 1 Galaxy, 2.3DOHC, GL. Air Con (not climate control). There is a clicking sound which is intermittent, from behind the temp controls or glovebox. When the relay (assuming thats what it is) finishes a burst of clicking, sometimes the air con will work. More often than not, the clicking ends up in the wrong state and the air con doesn't work. I can see a black box shape behind the lower of the two gloveboxes in the passenger side. This black box has an Air Con label on it, but I don't know what it is. Looks like I need to take the top glove box off to gain access to it. Do you know how to remove this glove box (I can get the lower one off). Or do you know what this black box is and if it's related to the clicking sound??? I've had the temperature controls out - no relays behind there. The clicking is not coming from behind the main fuse box in the drivers side (which is where the realys should be I beleive). I can't hear the clicking in the engine bay either. I've had the gas checked and it's fine. Can anyone help me with this one? Thanks! Rob