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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Hi All, Just an update on all this Got the anti roll bar drop links changed this morning, no more knocking :blink: Ive had a look at the starter motor, strangely i can only see one bolt holding it on, i know there should be two at least so im waiting on a haynes manual to get here before i try that one. Ive took starter motors off other cars but im a little confused with this one lol Thanks again for all advice & help so far. Dave
  2. Screeching noise is probably aux belt slipping on alternator pulley - check tension and belt condition - also check power steering belt is tight. Knocking noise is worn drop link(s) - very common fault see FAQ nr.2 - new drop link from Fords are around
  3. Thanks Chazhead. Ive got some grease now, will have a go tomorrow. Dave
  4. Thanks for the information, but what bit is the 'bendix' lol (can you tell im not a mechanic) Dave
  5. Screeching noise is probably aux belt slipping on alternator pulley - check tension and belt condition - also check power steering belt is tight. Knocking noise is worn drop link(s) - very common fault see FAQ nr.2 - new drop link from Fords are around
  6. Thanks for that idea scorpio man. I'll check to see if theres power getting to the mirrors though before i replace them (once the bloody rain stops) Ive had the car about 4 weeks now. sorted out a few niggily problems. Fuel consumption seems terrible, hopefully a service will help. Also occasionally get a 'screeching' noise just after the car has started off the key. Very loud noise, only lasts around 1 second. There are a couple of knocking noises when i hit bumps. Got Kwik Fit to check the car. They say all the suspension, bushes & steering bits are all fine. They think the insides of the catalitic convertor are banging around and quoted me
  7. Just to update,,,, Ive repaired the three broken wires. the others looked fine. Pushing the heated rear window button no longer opens the tailgate im glad to say, heated door mirrors still not heating up though. Ive checked the cables between the a-frame & the doors, they all seem fine. Bit strange that both mirrors dont heat up. A further issue was also solved. The tailgate would not open by pulling the handle. I could here the motor trying to unlock the tailgate but it remained locked. Repairing the wires has sorted this. Any other ideas for the heated mirrors? Thanks Dave
  8. Hi Bleeno, found the one you mentioned, looks great. Priced at
  9. Hi all. Im used to having a 12" sub in the boot of my old volvo. Now i have a galaxy i want to still have decent bass. Not having a cover to hide the sub under, im thinking of getting an underseat sub. Looking for recomendations of underseat subs. I have an amp but i cant hide it anywhere in the car, so prefer info on powered underseat subs. Thanks Dave
  10. Oh dear!!! Three split wires in the in the loom between the car and the tailgate. Suspect there the cause of my problems. Ive been to halfords and got bits to repair them, but its raining now & getting dark. Will sort in the morning. Thanks for help
  11. Hi Seatkid, thanks for the reply. Im aware the mirrors should heat up when the rear window is on, thats the same as my old car. Unfortunatly, they dont ;) The sun has finally came out, so im going to have a good look at the rubber gaitors & wiring just now. Will report back anything i find. Thanks
  12. Ive just got a Galaxy 2.3 GLX. Loving the space, generally happy with the car. Has a few niggles but being 10 years old thats to be expected. I have asked a question in the Traines help section, hope someone can help me. Looking forward to many years of using this site (as long as the car keeps going lol) Dave
  13. Hi all, great to see theres a Galaxy owners club online. I used to use a similer Volvo one. I got myself a 1998 Galaxy 2.3 GLX. In general very happy with it although it does have a couple of little problems to be sorted out. Most i can deal with, but theres two things im lost with. 1, the heated mirrors dont heat up. Everything else seems to work electrically. Ive checked the fuse. Dont know where else to look. 2, strange one this, when i press the heated rear screen button, the tailgate opens!! No idea where to start with that one Any help appreciated Dave
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