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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North East

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  1. Hello We bought our galaxy in march brand new with 08 reg. It has dvd navigation. When we used to put the disk in it was giving us error. So took it to service couple of times and they never knew how to make it work. So they told us it has another cd slot underneat the cd slot. We pulled the lid and found the slot, insert the cd and now its working. My question is there is no button on it at all. So how do you eject the cd. Thanks.
  2. Hello New to this forum and thought to join as we bought a new galaxy. It was hard to get. We ordered brand new from july 2007 and got it march 2008 with 08reg. We love it but got a problem with dvd satelitte navigation as it never worked since we got it and even the garage we bought from doesnt know what is wrong with it. I thought I will ask about here later after I introduce myself. At the moment I am a learner driver and got my driver test in 10 days on a monday :lol: So My other half drives at the moment and I cant wait to get my hands on our galaxy :) As you can imagine we have 4 kids and that was the reason we bought it.
  3. Me and oh just bought one :) 08 reg ghia tdci 2.0 galaxy. Brand new :) Just want to shout from top of the roof :) Loving it but cost us
  4. Hiya I have kids too. So I know the mess they do. I would wait and see if it wil dry and sort itself out. If not you have to take it for a service I am afraid.
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