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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy 2.3 Ghia
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  1. I have now changed the oil and filter on the gearbox after seeking advice from a transmission specialist whom I have dealt with before and had good service from, they supplied a filter for
  2. The gearbox is a 4 speed, was the 5 speed also fitted to the 2.3 engine? Mike
  3. Hi all, I have searched the Forum for an answer to my question but not found what I am looking for. I have a 2001 Galaxy 2.3 Ghia auto that I wish to change the transmission fluid and filter on and I do not want to use the overpriced Ford fluid, does anyone know the correct type from other manufacturers? So far I have come up with; Carlube Transmission Oil ATF Q3 GM Dexron3 and FUCHS DEXRON III Are these suitable? Also, reading through this post I do not seem to have the overflow pipe in the drain plug, is this a service tool added once the drain plug is removed? Thanks, Mike.
  4. I'm only guessing too which is why I asked before diving in and dismantling the throttle body only to find something that someone has done before. I would like to know what the unit on the throttle cable is against the bulkhead and how it works as I have removed it and it is difficult to see how it functions, the cable runs through it freely though. Mike
  5. Checked the fault code, it is: P0122 Throttle/pedal position sensor switch A circuit low input. Mike
  6. Hi all, Car is a 2001 Galaxy 2.3 Ghia automatic, 38500 miles, the Engine Management light is lit after an 18 month layup and battery replacement, the old battery gave up the ghost from lack of use despite regular charging and the radio lost it's code. At first I assumed it would just be a case of resetting the codes and letting the management system gather all it's required info, but the code remains. (I will get the correct code and post later today.) Upon driving the car back from the Mot, the performance felt flat on acceleration, give it full throttle away from a standing start and the car changes gear early like you are on a light throttle. Foot off in 4th gear and the car happily continues to trundle along at 35-40 mph with no engine braking so the injection shut off is clearly not working indicating a fault with the throttle position sensor as per the fault code. Is this sensor a known problem and can you dismantle it? I have a copy of the TIS disc somewhere, it's in one of my "safe" places! Does anyone know what the sensor concentric with the throttle cable against the bulkhead is for and is the throttle position sensor the one conveniently placed engine side of the throttle body? There are a few other faults on the car which have been there since we bought it such as the cruise control not working and an electric window fault, thanks to this site I have found information which should help in rectifying them. So from me it's a big cheers to those of you who posted in the first place, I will and add my information on fault finding in the hope it will help others. Regards, Mike
  7. Have you tried Imodium? :wacko:
  8. Personal, emotional or other? :wacko: If you think Mumof4 has problems, some people say I have issues. I had originally wondered if the noise was emenating from the laughing shaft having the incorrect clearance on the giggling pin causing an oscillation aginst the upper trunnion. I decided not to write about it as I could not find the correct emoticon to give the sound of a main dealer sucking air at the correct speed through his teeth whilst saying "Sounds expensive". Why was my local Ford parts department closed on a Saturday afternoon when most normal people want to repair their Ford? Mike
  9. The noise sounds like the bendix pinion bearing is dry and makes a short squawking noise once the engine has started and the starter motor is released. Occasionally the multi vee belt screeches but that is due for replacement anyway. Do you have a similar problem? Mike
  10. Thanks for the welcome. Mary, The Mother-in-Law dieing was a relief really as she had no quality of life being bedriden and I cold not give her all the care she needed. Until that point, having the Galaxy made life so much better for her, going out was not a chore due to the ease of use so at least she was not house bound, and she did like the car. About the only complaint she ever had was about me driving too slow! Mike
  11. :lol: Hello all, I'm a new member and this Probation period is a new experience, however I do see the reasoning behind it as I am a moderator on another forum. Using the search facility I have managed to to find enough answer's for most of the problems with our Galaxy which should start me off in the right direction, I thought as it had been so useful I would join and contribute my experiences for the benefit of others. We have a November 2001 registered Galaxy Ghia 2.3 automatic with a brotherwood wheelchair conversion which we have owned just over 3 years, purchased to transport my Mother-in Law about when I gave up work to care for her fulltime after she came to live with us due to the loss of use of her legs from Arthritis. It has been unused for the last 18 months as she became bedridden then died and I have not been too well either. Now I am back at work, (she was very inconsiderate dieing and leaving me ill AND unemployed!) I decided to drag it out of mothballs to use it with a view to selling once all the niggly faults have been rectified, some of which have been there since we bought the car. These were the cruise control not working, the passenger window being inoperable from the drivers position and the starter motor making a dry bearing noise after start-up. Due to them not preventing normal use of the vehicle they were never high on the priority list for repair until now as I would hate to pass the faults on to someone else. A new battery was fitted last Thursday and it sailed through the Mot as expected with only 38k on the clock, just an advisory for the front tyre's being near the limit. Since fitting the new battery the Management light was on which I thought may just be a fault code thrown up due to low voltage from the old battery having gone completely flat & losing the radio code. Plugging my code reader in and resetting the codes had no effect as it is showing the throttle position sensor as faulty which ties in with the lack of power on acceleration. Nice of Ford to place the sensor in such an inaccessible position engine side of the throttle body! I will post some information once I have delved deeper and passed my aprenticeship posting level! :lol: Regards, Mike
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