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  1. Also make sure the plug is onto the car nice and tight. Mine was a bit stiff to put on the first time. And dont forget to turn on the ignition.
  2. It didnt work, so when serial comms dont work you try it at a different speed, going lower first. I think it should work fine at 9600 but on mine it didnt.
  3. Is it possible to use a pressurised system such as easybleed on a galaxy?
  4. A com port is a serial port. In the old days of PCs, before windows, you computer could only see 2 com ports, COM1 and COM2. Then the messed about a bit and let you use 4, yep COM3 and COM4. Some software really didnt like using COM3 and COM4 because they shared some bits of COM1 and COM2 Then windows came along and eventually added support for as many com ports as you could shake a stick at, in theory. Some software still isnt very happy with anything that is not COM1-4 or even COM1-2. Whats this got to do with VAG COM? Well a VAG COM lead is a serial device. One that needs a com port. So as most PC's dont have com(serial) ports any more they have built in a USB-Serial adaptor. So windows pretends the is a com port on you laptop that the VAG COM software can use to talk the the VAG COM lead. This com port is probably something like COM15 or so. So the VAG COM software gets a bit messed up. It can nearly find it. On mine it thought it found the lead but it couldnt find the car. Change the usb serial adaptor to COM1, 2 or 3 in device manager and the software should work fine. The BAUD rate is the speed that the data is sent down the port. Both ends need to be at the same speed. Usually 9600 is the most common. Often systems will try to detect the correct speed. Slower speeds are more reliable. On mine i needed to use 4800, again in device manager. Al
  5. Mine worked fine on vista. Plugged the cable in first time in the house and made sure the software found the adaptor. The only thing i needed to change was the baud rate(4800) and com port (to com1 or com2) on the usb-serial interface in device manager. Al
  6. I have successfully got the VAG-COM working on my 2.3 Galaxy. Its one of the cheap blue leads I got of Ebay. Using the 4091US software I downloaded and the serial usb driver my laptop found on its own. (I have another usb serial adaptor i use to talk to my robots so dont know if its using this driver) Anyway the software found the adaptor on COM3 even without it plugged into the car. But it wouldnt find the control modules when plugged into the car. Via device manager on the laptop I changed the com port of the serial adaptor to COM1 (was COM15) and changed then baud rate to 4800 and then everything worked fine. Al
  7. Just to say that yes the towbar electrics kit I have fitted uses the secondry indicator light (<-1->) on the dash when the trailer is connected. Al
  8. I think so. I am just waiting for my vagcom lead to turn up so i can tell the car it has a tow bar and then hopefully that will work. Alan
  9. Found it. I managed to unhook the carrier the black and pink connectors were on and there the little brown fella was, hiding just out of sight. So all towbared up now. Simple job really. Hardest bit was getting the bumper off. Thanks, Al
  10. I have got a dedicated wiring kit with my towbar. I cant find one of the plugs. Its a brown plug which should be in the right hand compartment. All i can find is a pink one which is the wrong shape as well as the wrong colour. Anyone know where the brown plug is? or is there something wrong with my kit? Thought it was going to easy, just unplug the exisitng plug an plug in the kit. Thanks
  11. Thanks for the info. I will have to watch this in future. I have seen that thread, I think that might be the one that made me think to check the cills when I collected it. We went back on saturday and apparently we need to speak to the salesman so he can talk to the body shop, but he is not in till monday. Great. Anyway we are going away for a few days so we will chase it when we get back. And no chance of looking at the crusie control till we get back either. Alan
  12. Is it Cills or Sills? Anyway, We picked up our 2002 Galaxy last night and before the salesman left I checked the cills and both front ones are bent. I pointed this out to him and he said to take it in to get it checked by service but he wasn't sure if it affected the car in any way. I think it may have a problem with this... So what are the effects of having bent sills is it going to cause us problems later? Oh and the cruise control doesn't work so its going back for that too. But it does has electric rear vent windows which we didn't realise. Alan
  13. Picked the galaxy up yesterday and I'm not impressed with the level of factory tint so I think I might have a go at topping it up with a diy kit. I don't need to darken it much so I think I'll get a medium kit from that ebay seller. Might have to shave the dog before we do it though as shes been leaving hairs everywhere. Alan
  14. Picked the Galaxy up yesterday at 5:30pm in the end. I haven't driven it yet, but the wife liked driving it. We took it on a drive to lincoln pizza hut and back, about 60 miles, round some A roads, a couple of niggles which I will post about but it seems fine. Alan
  15. Thats what I thought. The other problem is that the kids might not be able to see out after tinting. I want to add a load cover but there are no barakets. I did find a post that was talking about the clips from VW for the load cover so I think that might be the way to go, I think i'll have to look out for a load cover. al
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