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  1. Hi, all I have a 1.9TDI W reg 2000, which has a turbo boosting problem.. Some of you may have seen my first post afew months back, when my turbo went. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...c=16934&hl= So, had a nice shiny new turbo fitted (New not Recon), and now it has a boosting problem.. ARHHHHHHHH it seams to reach about 40MPH, and around 3000RPM when you can feel the turbo cut out. The car seams to pull back. From then onwards, it struggles to hit 60MPH, and slows down on hills :s !!! I have had a mechanic look at it, who replaced the CAT. and then Replaced a sensor, the sensor which is connected to the air hose (sorry not mechanically minded, been out of the game for a while) Now the mechanic is not sure what to change next, he was talking about the valves? Any one shed any light on this problem, and what can be the cause of it. and how to fix it, its just so annoying... I have read about this "limp home" but this is due to the turbo being dirty, mine is new, so not this... I read another thread about a hose split, which hoses do i check?? I wish i never bought this car /sigh !! Thanks everyone, every reply appreciated.
  2. ok thanks, wait to here what the mechanic says. any suggestions for suppliers for the Turbo unit?
  3. The smoke colour was white. If it is the oil seals on the turbo, does this mean the seals can just be replaced? as long as there is no engine damage i guess.
  4. Hi all, I purchased a Ford Galaxy 1.9TDI about a week ago, and i have a major problem. Was driving along, when suddenly lots of smoke came out of the exhaust, and revs on the car shot upto 7000 revs without my foot on the accelerator. Pulled over, and took the key out of the ignition, and the car was still reving away, filling the whole road with Smoke. I have to stall the car, to get it to stop. Also had some clicking sounds, coming from engine.. What do you think the problem is? is it gunna be the Turbo has gone?
  5. I followed the procedure above all went to plan, except after the 5 flashes on the remote, the light on the drivers door didnt, so im guessing its a fault on the keyfob.?
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