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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Jazzman

  1. Hi all, just took my 1.9 tdi out for a spin, battery light camE on and powersteering went off. Any ideas? Could it be the powersteering resovoir needs topping (I can't find it-HELP on that too please---THANKS FOLKS! Jon
  2. Fixed!!!! my local garage changed a pipe which they said was split, and replaced the MAF sensor-I think it was just the pipe that was needed as I replaced the MAF about a year ago , so I have a spare MAF for sale!----car runs absolutelly A1, thanks again for all thoases replies that were helpful!
  3. Your replies have been really helpful, many thanks, please feel free to contribute to what is becoming a lively & interesting thread. Jon :lol:
  4. Thanks for the reply. I have researched just about all the turbo-related posts on the site & I know it's going into limp mode. I really would like some specific advice about how temperature, (in my case-COLD) affects the function of the turbo. THANKS
  5. I have had a long standing fault with my turbo on my Y reg 1.9 15bhp galaxy, namely no turbo! It will come back on momentarily if I reset the ignition whilst driving but as a rule, I struggle around without any turbo assistance. I have noticed that on these colder mornings doing the school run, I have turbo, but not for long. Has anyone else had this problem? My local garage has a replacement pipe on order, (not sure I need it?), is there a temperature sensor that could be faulty? Many thanks in advance for any replies! Jon
  6. Thanks Faz! Can anyone else confirm that it is the intake temperature sensor?
  7. I think I have a fault with a sensor attached to a thick pipe on the right hand side of the engine parallel/opposite side to the MAF sensor on a similar think solid plastic black pipe. It has 2 screws holding onto the pipe and a clip for the wiring. My turbo is more off than on currently, and removing this sensor replictes the fault immediately. Please will someone let me know what this sensor is. thanks.
  8. I read in one of the threads that someone has a similar intermittent turbo fault, and one member asked if his temperature gauge was stable, well mine isn't. Could this by a related fault. Please let me know as I'm desperate. Thanks, Jon
  9. My wipers had been going slow(on fast) if you know what I mean, for over a year. With the MOT comming up, me and my father in law spent 5 hours last Saturday taking the lankages out and freeing the spindles, which were totally seized up! Greased them and put it all back AS IT WAS --(very, very immportant!), and it's brilliant at last. MOT failed though on anti-roll bars, never mind! Just a tip though, when my wipers were letting me down, I used Rainex on the screen, virtually no need for wipers then---It's brilliant stuff! Jon
  10. Has anyone else experienced this? My Galaxy Y reg Tdi's turbo is intermitent. Fine for a while, then drops out, leaving me crawling along. It suddenly pops back in again, it might be fine one day then another, barely ever any turbo. I changed the MAF sensor last year so I know it's not that. There IS a sensor coming off a pipe on the other side of the engine (oposite side to the MAF), which when I disconnected, replicated the fault immediately. Does anyone know what this sensor is? Your thought would be extremely helpful, THANKS!
  11. Does anyone know what motor I will need for my TDI Y reg Galaxy. It's running slow and staling up on me so I'm on the look out for a replacement from a car breakers. Are there any pictures anywhere of what I will need, so I'll know what to get? Many thanks, Jon
  12. Is it normal for my (and a friends') TDI to emit nasty smelling exhaust fumes? Our local Ford dealer in Cardiff recons that it is normal this time of year due to the lower temperatures for the TDI to smell more smokey as there is some liquid being used???-(anyone know of this?) Also my friend has a 05 plate Galaxy and he has noticed emissions comming out near the rear passenger's side! Apparenly there is some sort of extra exhaust sited near there? If anyone has any clarification on the above, it would be much appreciated! Cheer, Jon
  13. Do a search on eBay, picked one up for
  14. My TDi neede a new MAF filter! Works ok now BTW Roly---did you pinch that avatar off someone on 'Bassworld'?
  15. Fitted new MAF sensor yesterday, it goes like a rocket now!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO
  16. Thanks all so much. I'm quite happy at the momment with the way she's running, so I'll leave the replacement MAF for now, at least.
  17. Hey presto!!! After disconnecting the sensor lead the car's performance has improved very significantly! Ok, question 1. Does this mean I need a new MAF sensor? 2. Can I drive around safely with this dosconnected? Thanks! Jon
  18. Thanks I'll try that, but does ANYON think that driving without a deisel fuel cap will affect performance at all??
  19. I'll check the milage, when people say 'unplug' the MAF sensor, do you mean the wire coming off the air intake pipe or taking out the sensor completely?
  20. Yeah, people are probably right with the MAF sensor, just another thought though, will not have a fuel cap make any difference to the fuel pressure in any way? I had mine nicked a while back, could this be part of the issue? Cheers, Jon
  21. I've had the car a Y reg TDi 1.9 for about a year and I'm finding that it's performance is gradually worsening. I'm struggling like mad to get it to go up hills and I find that I generally really have to push it hard to get started out off junctions etc. Is there something wrong and has anyone else experienced this? What's recommended (can't afford a new car!!!) Cheers, Jon
  22. hello, I woke up this morning to the sound of my car alarm going off. I ran out into the driving rain to find all my windows down, hazzards on and a car full of water!! I've taken in for a diagnostic test with a view to repair but it looks like the alarm system may be damaged. Has this happened to anyone else? It's not the first time rain has built of due to the engine drain holes clogging up with leaves and dirt, but it's never got to this stage before! Any feed back would be very, very welcome. Thanks, Jon
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