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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxay 1.9 tdi
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  1. Hi just ran a lead from +ve of battery to fuel soliniod glow plug light DOES NOT come on and engine still doesn't start. Any more Idea what could be the problem?
  2. Ignore the ABS light......it has nothing to do with your engine. No fuel is going to your engine..... As mentioned by Westie.....run a temporary +ve feed to the fuel cut-off solenoid and see if your engine will now start. there is desiel coming from the injectors when you crank it over with and without the lead attached. Any other ideas?
  3. Seems I was wrong about the CPS - sorry! :huh: Hope it didnt cost too much! no probs. got a mate who works for a motor factors.
  4. Update I have replaced the crank position sensor and car still will not start however I have noticed that whilst the engine is cranking over the ABS light is on but as soon as I stop cranking it goes out. Anyboby any idea. HELP!!!!!
  5. Thanks. Can you tell me how to check if it is the crank position sensor and where to find it?
  6. It's a new heavy duty battery that was put in it about six months ago and it is holding it's charge no problems, I.ve checked the wiring on the door and there doesn't seem to be any breaks, kinks or frayed wires.
  7. Hi, My wife's pal has a 1998 1.9TDi Mk1 Galaxy, She has had it reguarly serviced but the other day she was driving down the motorway and it lost power and cut out on her then wouldn't start. It turns over ok and there is fuel getting to the injectors. having read a few of the posts on here I have checked a few things out. these are there is no red light on the door (she said that stopped working a couple of months ago), all the fuses are ok. all the relays seem ok. after trying to start the car there is three or four loud bleeps. I tried to connect a Canbus/OBD11 memoscan code reader to it but I got LINK Error because it couldn't connect can anybody tell me what I need to read codes on this car and any possible solutions as to why it wont start? Any thoughts would be great as she needs the car but doesn't have the cash to put it in to a garage to be fixed as she is a single mum so I am trying to help her.
  8. hi, have a '98 galaxy and recently it wouldn't start after you have had it running. the glow plug light doesn't come onat all but if you leave it for about 20 mins the glow plug light comes on and it starts. could this be the glow plugs not working or is it more likely to be the ecu? now the car won't start and the glow plug light doesn't come on at all.
  9. hi, have a '98 galaxy and recently it won't start after you have had it running. the glow plug light doesn't come onat all but if you leave it for about 20 mins the glow plug light comes on and it starts. could this be the glow plugs not working or is it more likely to be the ecu?
  10. hi, have a '98 galaxy and recently it won't start after you have had it running. the glow plug light doesn't come onat all but if you leave it for about 20 mins the glow plug light comes on and it starts. could this be the glow plugs not working or is it more likely to be the ecu?
  11. hi, have a '98 galaxy and recently it won't start after you have had it running. the glow plug light doesn't come onat all but if you leave it for about 20 mins the glow plug light comes on and it starts. could this be the glow plugs not working or is it more likely to be the ecu?
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