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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

dead fords haunt you

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Everything posted by dead fords haunt you

  1. hi all just a little tip for you all if you have home start or the like with the AA or RAC they will come out and read your codes free of costs :lol: and tell you what is wrong then you can just order the parts :(
  2. had nice man from the RAC out today and they told me it was the throttle sensor they come as a unit with the pedal
  3. changed both this morning got 10 miles down the road and the same thing looks like i the local fraud garage to me :P thanks anyway :D
  4. had all that lot replaced last week
  5. hi all i have got a 1998 on a s plate 1900 tdi 90bhp 121000 miles on the clock :D well we were on the way home today and i lost all input from the throttle the engine went to high tick over at around 1100 rpm and the glowplug light started to flash so we coasted to the side of the road turned off the engine restarted and all was fine got home and went to park the bl**dy thing only for the same to happen again :ph34r:
  6. :P they must be taking the piss unplug maf and just see :blink: if they are right do the job yourself <_< you were smart enough to buy a gal :rolleyes: :unsure:
  7. :P :rolleyes: you little darling maf was the prob flys like a new one thanks
  8. my 1998 td gal as a lack of power so much so that on some roads iam down to 2nd gear where she used to pull 4th easy all was fine we started to lose power so i changed the fuel filter all was back to normal then about 3 weeks later the wife had the glow plug light flash for about 5 mins on her way home so of we went and and had codes read only to be told we have a problem with the key remote alarm when i told the garage we do not have remote lock/alarm we were told that it was a code reader fault .???? and galaxys never rev above 3500 revs and we must have been lucky she would do over 80 mph in the first place please help i have just given her a full service changed all filters ,checked all pipe work, brakes ,injectors,timeing pump ect but still no change
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