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  1. Try the parts gateway ive used them before to track down parts before. I found them very good you can even upload a photo of the part you require. http://www.partsgateway.co.uk/
  2. I had this problem with my 1996 galaxy 2.8vr6 even so far as to go out to my car in morning to find all doors unlocked and windows open it was indeed the control module under the passenger seat that got soaked i got a new one and modified the location of it so it was not laying on the floor by screwing it to the panel that slides out under seat.
  3. Ok Guys New coil pack fitted Sorted cant complain as the last one i sealed with epoxy resin which lasted for 3 yrs yes i know i should of looked there first but i had it off to change the thermostat and it looked fine no cracks etc i guess it must of broken down inside. funny thing though shes got more poke now than the day i brought he 4 yrs ago.
  4. Stevoo As it said in the original post they where put there to cover up mobile phone holder screw holes.
  5. www.fordgalaxy.org.uk is also slow but i did manage to improve things by installing and running C CLEANER
  6. Hiya Guys On replacing the coil pack,ht leads and plugs yesterday I broke the top clip that holds the maf to the filter housing plus there was not a clip on the bottom so i just pushed it together thinking it will be ok and took it for a run everything OK drives super until the engine warms up i stopped at lights and she stalled when i got home i had a look and thought it must be air starvation so as a quick fix i put two small screws in pipe where it joins together just a turn into the maf as i did not want to Pierce it went for another run all OK now. I will have to look at the scrappy for another filter box lid but in the mean time that will do. Just surprising a simple thing like that can disturb the tick over. Regards Pompeyfaith :angry2:
  7. CPS ????? Anyone what is it
  8. id also recommed making sure you know the height as you will not get under most if not all car park rails and in multi-storey car parks
  9. My doors used to lock by them self a while ago and it turned out to be a wet central locking module under passenger seat also id go to bed and in morning the windows would be open !!!!!!! weired things sure used to happen when that got wet.
  10. stevoo I'm way down south just of A3M at Havant maybe there is someone nearer to me that can read the ecu,but thanks for the offer much appreciated. Regards Pompeyfaith
  11. Ok next question where is the cheapest place to source a coil pack Regards Pompeyfaith
  12. Sepulchrave Idid try the search function but it returns no results for me ? Also i have a s/n with many posts i cannot access under Galaxychap i lost the password and the lost password function did not send me a reset i have emailed moderators but not no responce so had to create another account. My suspiscions was the coil pack as i said in the original thread but i wanted to confirm this so asto not spend money unnessesarily Regards Pompeyfaith aka ( Galaxychap)
  13. Hiya Guys I have a 1996 Galaxy 2.8 v6 ghia which has developed a misfire after i replaced the thermostat and housing after i done this she used to run ok until i stopped then had no idle so i changed the spark plugs and ht leads now she does idle although roughly and when driving sometimes she runs ok and then misfires quiet eratic i also noticed today that she smells like rotten eggs could it be headgasket if so any special tools req as ill do it myself because the age of car does not warrant a
  14. Hiya All I have the screen name Galaxychap but i lost my password and no matter how much i try i cannot reset it so just to get in here and get some advice ive had to create a new account which is not ideal is there a mod about that can reset my galaxychap account ? i have sent a PM but reply as yet for the time being im using Pompeyfaith as my screen name. Regards Pompeyfaith aka (Galaxychap)
  15. Have you tried www.partsgateway.co.uk very good souce for parts ive found i managed to get a thermostat housing from there for a 1996 model vr6 quick delivery too it arrived the next day friday when they said monday
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