I've been carrying bikes on a Galaxy for some time, so thought I'd add my observations: I have a strap on rack plus roof bars and cycle carriers. I have carried a total of seven occupants with their bikes - though I wouldn't recommend this for long journeys. Makes the steering a bit light! The strap on rack is made by Pendle and is very solid. It sets the bikes high and doesn't require lighting board becuase the lights show through OK, but I did use a number plate. The rack pictured by Nik looks better in that respect as it's a fiddle to get a lighting board connected if you don't have a tow bar. I have now fitted a tow bar so in future I would use a lighting board for long journeys. The disadvantage of a rack which clears the lights and number plate is the added wind resistance of the bikes above the roof line, which slows you down and is less economical. You should also remove anything that's removable - if you have a child seat I'd recommend you remove it, along with bags, computers, bottles and pumps. If you have a tow bar then Pendle do a towbar rack which has the advantage of being very compact to store, as it's only two arms. The only disadvantage is you can't open the tailgate with the rack in place. I also use roof bars with bike carriers, and you can get 4 bikes fairly easily by alternating the direction of the carriers. If you want to make it 5, then you would need to twist the handlebars around. I don't have a problem getting them on, as I'm 6'4", and you can open the rear doors and step into the car to tighten the fixings. You also need to check the maximum weight that the roof bars can take - with heavy bikes you'd be close to the limit. The advantage of roof mounting is that you can access the tailgate without removing the bikes, but it creates more wind resistance. You can get some roof carriers which swing downwards to put the bike on for the less tall, but I don't know how good they are. The roof carriers I use are Mt Blanc Barracudas and they are great in that they fix using cam fixings which is much quicker than the screw on type, though they were expensive (