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  1. Hi all not been on in a few years as (dare i say) galaxy has been running fine! now have major wiring issues on two doors and tailgate! Any way went to browse the section in FAQ on the wiring looms and couldnt view it! do i need special permission or slip somebody a brown envelope full of cash . . . :-)
  2. Well ive got the car back today working and apparantly the auto elctric guy who fixed it said it was a loose wire behind one of the fuse's, does sound a little bit close to relay 30 for it not to be that, but theyre the professionals so we will see how it runs for now !
  3. Have you recently changed the batteries in the remote keyfob? (And in doing so, lost the PATS chip) No i havent pal its the same key and havent a spare . . . well the wife tells me she hasnt touched it lol
  4. Got in the car yesterday and turned the key and it will not crank/turnover it does nothing had the AA out and he suggested a fault on the immobiliser. when i turn the key the red LEd on the side door stays on. It will ocassionally crank and at a good pace but refused to fire. The battery is fine but no power is getting to the starter motor and there is no spark at the plugs. Its just been towed into the grage for repair, I posted on the relay 30 thread thinking it was that, but thought i would post it on here also incase anyone recognises the fault, i only have one key also and am now going to order a new one incase its that . regards simon :P
  5. Gone to the Galaxy tonight and it wont start, its been raining alot recently as well so looking through the site i'm begining to assume relay 30, ive had the AA on the drive for 2 hours trying to suss it out with no joy, could be a relay some were he said scratching his head, must admit he gave it a really good shot and when he bipassed the overhead manifold sprocket with a wire the car started cranking but wouldnt fire as the plugs werent sparking he said He seemed to think it was to do with immobiliser and asked if i hadchanged the key recently or had it to bits, after checking it he found the chip inside. The strange thing is the car will sporadically crank once every so often but will not fire. :P Think i might have a go at relay 30 tomorrow or do i let the garage do it :o
  6. Ahh its the ones on bankside on Trevor Street isn't there two opposotie each other down there.
  7. Which breakers did you visit mumof4 i would guess at willinghams on hedon road which is the far side of town? And it would be good to know who has the galaxy in in case i need any spares?
  8. I'm in Hull and we dont have a choice its kingston comms only here ive just upgraded to there new packages and for
  9. Well the wipers finally siezed up yesterday and are refusing to budge, theyre stuck across the windscreen and every now and again just twitch! so i guess/hope the motor is still trying to move them and is ok, its going into the garage on tuesday to be stripped down and cleaned out as he quoted me a new one for
  10. i'm looking forward to watching this topic develope as i think mine is also at fault (not had chance to check it properly yet ) and needs changing let us know how you get on sal park and post any pictures you can :D
  11. I wonder how long before BG anounce there massive profits :wacko:
  12. I'm beginging to think the compressor is leaking on mine (if thats what the call it the thing that looks as though its attached to the radiator and probably is !) i took the cap of it and it was very challkyand dusty in there. http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff129/simonashley1/09072008221.jpg
  13. Very strange you should say that mike as when i was on the way home from the coast on sunday i was hammering the wipers trying to get the windscreen cleened and the wipers just froze for about 15 secs couldnt do anything with them luckily it was a sunny day and they kicked back in again so thought nothing of it .............that is until i had a quick look on here and it looks like it could be a sign of another common fault !!!.
  14. Fitted a new Cruise Control Pump fro ford today (
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