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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by geoff_s

  1. I'll take your advice & do them while I'm there. My car's got the flower shaped main shafts so I'm okay with the aftermarket ones but guess the other short ones are main dealer items as I can't find them anywhere else. If I do, I'll let you know where.
  2. I gave them a call and they do indeed come complete with a cv joint. Giving my cars registration I was told that there's two types of shaft available - where it joins the flange, I quote "...it'll either be flower shaped or pancake shaped. If it's flower shape you're okay, they've got loads. If it's pancake shape there's none in the country and a re-con is the only option".
  3. Ah that was well spotted - I never noticed those CV joints on the shafts. Cheers for pointing that out, could end up saving me a few quid so owe you a pint :wub:
  4. After spending days & days on here, I've come to the conclusion I need to replace the drive shaft on my 2.8 '01 MkII to sort out the wobble/juddering when accelerating. I've found two drive shafts for
  5. I've just got back from Kwikfit and after a re-gas, no change. I still have the flashing panel & no cold air. Luckily I didn't have to pay as there was no difference in air temperatures before & after - Kwikfit policy. Oh well at least I know it's not a gas problem, one thing to eliminate :blink:
  6. How easy is changing plugs on the 2.8? Mines done 90 000 & still on original plugs. I'm thinking about changing them, but a bit worried about how hard it may be.
  7. Hi all, picked up my 2.8 MkII yesterday so a newbie here. I was wondering if it's possible to fix a hand brake with the knob that you push in missing. It came like this & I don't have the button, just a round piece of steel sticking out the end of the handbrake. Would I need a new hand brake or is it possible to fit a replacement button. Any advice will be very much appreciated so thanks in advance ( from my thumb :blink: )
  8. Don't worry you're not the only one who forgot to check their aircon... me too. I picked up my Galaxy yesterday and took no notice of the flashing panel as I thought it was initializing itself & perfectly normal. Now I've been on here for the lasy hour I know different! I'm taking mine to Kwikfit to see if they can re-gas it. I'll let you know how I get on in the next day or so.
  9. Try Dragon Naturally Speaking - you talk away and it types everything out for you. The latest release is quite good but the earlier releases must have been made by the folks who did the Mk III voice activation as it was quite a challange to use.
  10. Hi folks, found this great site whilst researching about Galaxy's... I'm just about to buy a lovely MkII V6. I've ended up in the Galaxy club due to my misses totalling my 2.8 VW caravelle and not finding another decent one anywhere ( alright, alright it's really the credit crunch & I can't afford another caravelle :) ). I've found a mint 2001 V6 auto, 69k fsh and am getting really excited. I've spent at least 5 weeks trawling autotrader, fleabay and finally come up trumps. Yipee!! It's taken me just as long to decide to go for the Galaxy over Previa, Grand Espace, Voyager etc etc. I've found loads of interesting reads here and it's been a great resource so thank you very much. One thing that I don't know is if it's possible to fold the Galaxy's seats flat and sleep in the back of it. I could do this in my caravelle and it would be brill if it's possible in the Galaxy.
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