Hi I am new to this forum having recently bought a 02 plate 2.3Ghia Galaxy Auto and it has been in the garage more than I have it on the road and I am certainly getting my monies worth from the AA!!!!! Strange things happen, the ABS light comes on with the warning scream and also the handbrake warning light, it will go off if I turn off the ignition then start up again. It has been reveing in 1st up to 4000rpm before it changes gear so can be expensive to run. On the other hand it will suddenly not be able to go above 30mph, again turning the engine off seems to clear the problem. Another thing is it lunges from gear to gear. OH thinks we will end up with whiplash injuries!! Have had a new valve body, an alternator and rewired, cos the wiring to the fusebox was almost burnt though and now new speed sensors. Also a new computer has been fitted just in case the old one was faulty but that wasn't the problem. I bought a warrenty with the car but suprisingly the valve body