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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 1.8 ghia
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    East Midlands

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  1. Galaxy still in garage. Nearly 4 weeks now and Sandicliffe's still can not sort the problem. We have been given the chance to swop the car early so this morning have ordered a Volvo v70se. Delivery 2-3 weeks. Will miss the space of the galaxy but hopefully it will be more reliable.
  2. Car went back in to the dealer on the 24th August. The dealer has still has the car 5th September and still not able to rectify the fault. We have now lost interest in the car that we would prefer it if we never see it again except to collect our belongings. We have just had to use a loan hire car from Motability for the holiday. All we could get was a Puegeot 308sw. It has let us down every time we have gone on holiday or had a weekend away.
  3. Well Galaxy has been in 2 more times for starting problems. The dealer had it for a few days. All ok till this week when it started playing up again. Dealer had it in again yesterday and said they could not find any faults. Today it is still sat on the drive where they parked it as it will not start at all. I have written to motabillity to see if we can swop it early has we have just had enough of it now. In the 20 months we have had it it has let us down no less then 30 times. I also asked the dealer when I booked it in if it could be serviced. 22300 on clock service due 23000. Told her we are going away on holiday and will go over while away. No service carried out has not done 23000 yet. It looks like we will have to hire a car for the holidays has I do not trust it any longer. We will never go for a Ford car of any discription again.
  4. I have the 125 6 speed diesel version. When we first got it we went to wales. It would stall when you pulled of on a hill. I also had a problem with it stalling after first starting. Had it in for repair. still stalled on start up once or twice so mentioned it when it went in for a service. It did it again the day after then nothing for 6 months. This last few month it started again. Have had to have the RAC out twice. No fuel at filter. Had the Rac out sunday while away on holiday. Fault occoured again last night so thought right leave it and get the dealer out to it so they can see the fault. Rang the dealer this morning, they can not send out a mechanic to look at the fault at home due to health & safety. But they can collect it. They will be in for a shock when they come for it has the fault will still be there and it will take a while before it finally bleeds itself. When I get running again after the fault it pulls away and runs like a dream. Then after a while it runs eratic when at roundabouts where you hate to drive it. RAC guy suspects it is fuel pump fault. If it does it again after it has been in I will not be buying another Ford when it is due for changing in December 2010. It is working out on average of the fault occuring once a month for the last 19 months. Some months not at all then another month it can do it 2 or 3 times. It is not the faults on the car that is putting me off but not being able to explain to a mechanic at the garage to give him a idea of where the fault could lie. Instead the girl on reception just writes down cold start problem. At the VW dealer I use I can speak to the mechanic if required.
  5. Had a alarm activated warning the other week but have put it down to the fireworks at a concert we where at. Not had any other problems with the alarm.
  6. Hi all. Our Galaxy 1.8 tdci has done nearly 13000 miles. It only has stalled on starting once, a day after having it serviced so hopefully that problem has cured itself. I have noticed on the last few journeys that every thing seems smother and it feels a lot better to drive. Gearbox does not feel notchy and engine feels smother. Just wondered how other Galaxy's are going now all the teething troubles are out of the way.
  7. Collected the car today. As I said they say they could not find any thing wrong with the starting problem. When I booked it in I did not feel my custom was wanted. I will just have to see how it goes and if it plays up again leave it and call out the RAC
  8. Took it in to the dealer tonight after it took 5 min to get it started. I am expecting the usual we could not find anything wrong because the receptionist just wrote on the sheet cold starting problem even though i told her it seems to be when the car is sloping backward and left standing.
  9. This as been on before. If you have the extra rear air conditioning they fit the aircon unit in the space.
  10. hi all. My galaxy 1.8tdci 125 diesel has a couple of times stall after starting then taken a while to start. This was always after a overnight standing. This week while on holiday it has done it every day and today I managed to pull away and it stalled. Once it starts again it is ok with no problems. I think it is fuel draining back to the tank when standing. I am going to book it in tomorrow. Any one else had a simular problem.
  11. Car was collected and delivered back to me on Wednesday. They said they had carried out a mod for the engine stalling. Reprogramed the door locks. The mechanic who picked up the car did hear the knocking noise but when he took the mechanic out in it it did not do it again. They did say they had a good look underneth but found nothing loose. I have only driven it a short journey since getting it back, it did seem better to drive. I was even able to pull away on tickover and keep going at a snails pace on level ground. I will let you all know how it drives in the next couple of weeks. Will not get to drive it till next weekend has on 24hr call out till friday.
  12. I have Just been on holiday to Wales. The caravan we stayed in was on a farm and to get to it you had to to up a steep track. On the track there is a hairpin bend. My 1.8 tdci 125 engined galaxy stalled every time I took the bend. I even had the car stall pulling off on a hill queing in traffic. Sometimes the engine would not rev up when you needed it to. This caused a couple of hairy moments because as soon as it stalled it started rolling backwards. Having electric parking brake you can not just yank the handbrake on. Then this morning the car started and cut out as soon as I tried to pull away on the level. It would not restart. after a few atempts I rang the RAC and waited for them to contact me back . We had a cuppa while waiting then gave it a try and it started stright away and drove back to Derby with no problems. Also the automatic locking off the doors has stoped working. We also did see a Ford Mondeo 08 plate being hitch up to a recovery truck. I wonder if Ford are going to have major problems with these engines. I am going to get it booked in to the garage next week to have it checked. We are looking into a clunking noise we are getting from the rear right hand. It is intermittent and does do it in a particuler mode of driving. When you are cornering and accelerating or braking at the same time but not every time. just now and again. We have eliminated luggage. It sounds like a exaust knocking. Robert
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